Chapter Four: Distress

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The Cadets stood staring up at Shadis as he cleared his throat.

It's been two years since they joined the Cadet Corps and they were finally able to do nonsupervised training.

"Attention!!!" Shadis screamed, silencing the crowd. "I will now explain your mission!"

The training mission split their 104th unit in two.

Squad One was led by Marco with Armin in charge of recording and consisted of Hans, Eren, Jean, Sasha, Christa, and Mina.

Their goal was to retrieve an object at a checkpoint and return to base in a one-way 24-mile trip.

Squad Two was led by Thomas with Mikasa in charge of recording and consisted of Reiner, Bertholdt, Ymir, Daz, and a girl named Annie.

They were to meet Squad One at the checkpoint and trade routes to head back to base.

The main purpose of the mission was to test their vigilance.

"That's all there is to it!" Shadis yelled, finishing his explanation. "You worthless runts probably think it'll be easy but don't! A soldier is a soldier at all times! You must be ready for anything at all times!"

"Yes, sir!!!" They all yelled back with a salute.

A couple hours later, Marco led his group on horseback through a dusty plain.

"So do you think we should take our time with this?" Marco asked the others.

"Yeah," Armin responded.

"Let's take our fucking time," Jean groaned in annoyance.

"Let's take it easy," Hans corrcected, glancing over as they trotted down the path into an area with thick vegetation. "It'd be dumb to rush and exhaust ourselves."

"I don't know how to take it easy," Eren countered, glancing over his shoulder and speeding up. "Jean, if you're going slow, I'm going fast!"

"Eren, wait!" Armin exclaimed, reaching out.

"Grow up the both of you," Hans sighed, glaring over at them.

"We gotta work as a group," Marco agreed, glancing back. "Right, Jean?"

"Like I care," Jean grumbled in response. "This training ain't gonna help me join the MPs."

"You don't know that," Marco countered. "Anyway, let's focus on the mission."

"Hell no," Jean hissed back in defiance.

"C'mon, it's too early for this," Hans groaned with annoyance.

"Am I not allowed to complain?!" Jean continued to whine.

"If only complaining made time go faster," Conny mumbled from the back.

"Tell me about it," Sasha mumbled in agreement. "There's still a long way to go."

"I'm sick of this," Jean muttered to himself in anger.

Nearby, Thomas's group arrived at a small clearing, stopping to get their bearings and feed the horses.

"By the time we get there, it'll be dark," Thomas remarked, inspecting a map alongside Mikasa.

"Then let's go further east," Mikasa responded, pointing at a separate path.

"That might take all day too," he stated, taking a swig from his canteen.

Mikasa's stomach suddenly dropped as she glanced around in worry.

Something was wrong.

She could feel it.

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