Chapter One

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"Mia will you get up so Kayla will stop honking her horn out there!" My mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Alright alright!" I drag myself out of bed and begin to get ready for school. I decided to wear just blue jeans and a crop top.

I ran down the stairs after grabbing my phone and bag.

"Aren't you gonna eat something?" My mothers asks.

"No time bye!" I yell as I run out the front door.

"Let's go bitch I been waiting forever!" Kayla yells.

"Come on let's go then!" I tell her as I jump into her car. Kayla and I have been best friends since we were five. She may be crazy at times, but she is always there for me.

"So, we're supposed to be getting a new English teacher today. I heard he's so hotttt." She's say as she starts driving towards school.

"Yeah I doubt that." I laugh. I've never had a hot teacher in my life so I don't believe it.

"Just you wait, you'll be drooling over him I bet." She looks to me and smirks. I just roll my eyes at her.

I look down to my phone to see that Garret, my ex, had texted me.

Garret- hey Mia, I wondering if we could talk before school?

I roll my eyes again. Why won't he just leave me alone.

"Is Garret texting you again?" Kayla asks. She knew me too well.

"Ugh yeah." We broke up a few weeks ago because he cheated on me, twice. I was not going to be that stupid again.

"Leave his ass alone or I'll kick yours." She grabs my phone from my hand and sat it down. "You deserve better and you'll find better."

"I know I know." I agree with her.

We finally arrive at school and walk inside together. As soon as we walk there was Garret. He looked right at me and started walking towards me. Fuck.

He comes up to me and is about to speak but Kayla puts her hand up, interrupting him. "No, walk the fuck away dude. Walk the fuck away." She tells him.

"No." He snaps. And that's what sat her off.

"What did you just say? Don't talk me like that you're the one who cheated on her not once but twice! Now get the fuck away before I kick your ass." She starts to yell. She was like a little bomb always ready to explode especially if someone was bothering me.

He mumbled something under his breathe but eventually walks away. Thank god.

"You know I love you. You always take care of me." I tell her as I pull her to me.

"It's what I'm here for babe." She hugs me as the bell rings. "Well I'll see you at lunch."

We both part ways and go to our first class. I wish we had more than one class together. The only one we do have together is our last class. And of course it was with our new teacher. I'm sure everyone is talking about him.

I didn't really care if he was hot or not. Yeah you can look at him and drool over him and stuff but more than likely nothing would ever happen with him.

I walk to my first class which was math. I didn't even feel like trying today. I just laid my head down and took a nap.

The rest of my classes go by fairly quick. It was finally time for lunch. I meet up with Kayla and we sit down together to eat.

"Have you seen the teacher yet?" She asked.

"No have you?" I ask.

"No but I think he's supposed to be in the lunch room. I'm ready to see how hot he is." She smirks a little.

"Oh stop you little slut." I laugh her. Maybe he was good looking but I didn't care.

"Oh my god! There he is. Look! Look!" Kayla starts to smack my arm and the teacher walks into the lunch room.

I almost gasp. Holy fuck. Maybe I did care. I catch myself staring as our eyes connect. I was trying look away but I just...couldn't.

"Mia! Mia! Hello?" Kayla interrupted my thoughts.

I clear my throat. "What? What?" I ask her as I finally look away from the teacher.

"So are you drooling yet?" She laughs. "Told you he was hot." She adds.

"Okay okay he's hot, but it's not like it matters." I say. The bell rings again and we walk to our last class together.

Kayla and I sit together at the front of the class room. The rest of the class walks in and the the new teacher walks in. I began staring again, everyone was.

"Hi class. My name is Mr.Graves and I'm going to be your new English teacher." He introduced his self.

"Aren't you a little young to be a teacher?" A girl asked.

"Haha. Well no. I just got into college at a very young age and became a teacher." He explained.

I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying. I was really just checking him out. I just couldn't help my self.

"Stop it you're staring!" Kayla smacked my arm. Mr. Graves started laughing.

"Hush!" I say back, embarrassed. Ugh his smile though.

Mr.Graves takes his eyes off me and begins talking again. "Alright class well let's get started."

Kayla and I of course weren't paying attention, we were mostly just on our phones. I honestly don't know how we made it to our senior year.

"Look there's going to be a huge party tonight!" Kayla sort of whispers as she points to her phone.

"Do we have to go?" I whine to her. Don't get me wrong I love a good party but I just wasn't in the mood to go.

She gasped at me, looking stunned. "Mia Collins doesn't want to go to a party?? Are you sure you're Mia?" She poked at me.

"Kayla I'm just not in the mood." I tell her. She rolls her eyes, knowing she'll talk me into going anyways.

"Too bad." She says.

"Girls don't you think you're doing a little too much talking?" Mr. Graves says. I look up to see him standing over me.

"Well, no. Not really." Kayla answers him. She can be such a smart ass.

"Well I guess that means detention. For the bout of you." He smirks at us.

"What? No!" I whine. "See what you done." I look to Kayla. Great. This was just great.

Kayla scoffs but doesn't argue with him anymore. He walks off, knowing he won.

"Jerk." We both whisper.

After class everyone one else leaves and Kayla and I are stuck behind. I lay my head down hoping it would go by quickly.

Then out of no where Kayla speaks up.

"Why do you keep looking at her Mr.Graves?" Kayla asked.

"I can't look?" He asks her.

"What? Do you want to fuck her or something?"

"Kayla!" I gasp.

He laughs. "No, shy girls really aren't my type."

"How rude!"

She gets up to leave detention and I soon follow her. But before I leave I stop at Mr.Graves desk.

"You know most shy girls are the biggest freaks right?"

Sooooo here's another story I'm starting! I hope y'all like it! Thanks!

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