Chapter Six

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"Mia! Wait!" I heard Cameron yell as I ran out of the room. I stop as I head him yell. I turn around and face him. "What's wrong?"

"Why the hell am I here? Why did I just have to see that? I just want to go home!" I started to yell at him. I didn't ask him to bring me here.

"You texted me to come get you! I couldn't of taken you to your mother in the state you were in. You were out of your mind." His voice softened as he explained what happened last night.

"Well I'm sorry that I bothered you." I turned to walk away from him.

"Bother me? Why would that bother me?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, our lips were almost touching. "If it bothered me so much why did I come get you? Why did I take care of you?"

"I-I don't know." I stutter. I couldn't focus. My mind was racing. I couldn't stop looking into his eyes. "Why did you?"

"Isn't it obvious Mia? I want you, I want you so bad." He answered. "I know it may be wrong and we won't be able to have a normal relationship, but we can try." He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"B-but what about her?" I pointed to the girl who was now standing outside of the room they were in. She smirked to me.

"She's no one anymore. The only reason she was here was so I could end things with her. Leave Angel, get out." He told her, but he kept his eyes on me.

She scoffed as she turned and walked away. I kind of laughed to myself.

"Mia from the first day you walked into my class I completely fell for you. I know it's wrong you're my student, but I honestly don't give a fuck. I just want you." He looked to me as he spilled out his feelings.

"I want you too Cameron." I did. I want to be with him. I couldn't hide my feelings anymore. I pulled me closer to him and brought his lips to mine.

"We can make this work." He said after kissing me. "Come on, I'm gonna make you some breakfast!" Cameron says as he lifted me up and put me over his shoulder.

"Ohh and he cooks too?" I laugh.

"Guess I've just got it all huh?" He started brag.

"Don't flatter yourself mister. Now can you put me down?" I ask as I start to laugh.

"Nope." He smacked my ass and started running down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Hey!" I yelled at him. He put me back down and I smacked him back before running off. "Ha!" I laugh.

"Oh you're gonna regret that." He came running after me and easily caught me. He lifted me up and sat me onto the counter. "Now what?" He asked, he was only inches away. His eyes were so intense, but soft at the same time. He places his arms on both sides of my body so I couldn't get away, but I didn't want to.

I run my hand up his arm and place it on his shoulder. He pulls me closer to him, connecting our lips. I wrap my legs around him and deepen our kiss. "Alright come on you gotta eat." Cameron stops kissing.

"But I don't wanna stop." I whine.

"I don't either but after last night you definitely need it." He says as he begins to make pancakes. Ugh, was I really that bad? I'm such an embarrassment.

"How bad was I?" I ask as I turn around, still sitting on the counter.

"Well at first you slapped me at the party." He says and I gasp.

"Oh my god really?! I'm sorry!" I apologize. I couldn't believe I slapped him.

"Oh there's more. When I got you here I was trying to change your clothes but you ran away from me, then tried to have sex with me." He explained all at once. I could feel my face heating up.

"That's so embarrassing, oh my god." I covered my face with my hands.

"Yeah you wouldn't even let me put shorts on you." He laughed. "But it was really funny." He added. I looked down to see I was only wearing panties. Stupid drunk me.

"No it's not." I whine. "I'm never drinking again." I knew that was a lie, but it's going to be awhile before I drink again.

He laughs and hands me a plate of his pancakes. "Here eat." He walked over closer to me and started to eat as well.

"Yum. You can cook." I tell him.

We both finish eating and I decide that I should probably go home. My mom is probably a mess right now. I would much rather stay here though.

I grabbed my phone and clothes from upstairs and met Cameron at his car. He had told me I could keep his shirt, so I did.

As we drive down the road I decide to ask him about the room. "So what's with the room, sex room, or whatever you want to call it." I was new to this kind of thing.

"Oh um, it's just something I'm into. The girl, Angel, well we used to ya know. But that's over now." He explains. He sounded nervous.

"So you're like a dom?" I ask him.

He looked surprise. "Yes, sort of. I just don't do all the contracts and stuff. It's kind of hard to explain."

"It's okay. You don't have to." I answer.

"I'll explain better one day." He smiles to me as he places his hand onto my thigh. I know it sounds crazy but I swear I felt butterflies in my stomach. No guy has ever made me feel this way.

We soon arrived at my house, I just didn't want to go inside.

"So are we together now or?" I ask.

"Not yet, let me take you on a date first." He places his hand on my cheek now.

"Okay." I nod.

"I'll take you tonight, say eight?" He asked.

"That works." I tell him as he leans in to kiss me. We both tell each other bye and I step out of the car.

I dread going in this house.

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