Chapter Three

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"Because it's the only thing that's stopping me from bending you over my desk."

I gasp a lot louder than I meant to. I dropped my pencil down to the floor again. This time it wasn't on purpose. I hear him chuckle at my reaction.

He walks away as Kayla looked to me and asked "why is your face so pale. You look like you've seen a ghost."

"No reason." I try to brush it off, but I couldn't. She rolled her eyes, knowing I was lying.

"Well...anyways. I won't be able to take you home today." She says, not explaining why. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'll figure it out." I answer. I guess I'll be walking. The bell soon started ringing and everyone was getting up to leave.

"Mia will you stay after for a few minutes?" Mr. Graves asked. Oh no.

I tell Kayla bye and sit my things back down. When everyone is gone I walk up to Mr.Graves desk. "Thought you were gonna bend me over your desk." I smirk.

He laughs and walks out from behind his desk. "You know you're going to have to learn how to obey." He stood behind me now. I could feel him breathing down my neck which caused me to shiver. "Why are you so nervous Mia?"

"I-I'm not nervous." I stutter. Maybe I was. I turn around to face him. "I'm not." I say again. He looked down to me and grabbed my face before he connected his lips to mine. I jumped back a little because it startled me.

Was this a dream? Was my teacher really kissing me right now? Yes, he was.

I kiss him back and he wraps his arms around my ass. "Jump." I do as he says and wrap my legs around him. "I've been wanting to do this ever since the first day I saw you come into my class." He says, then continues kissing me.

"Wait! Wait!" I stop him. "What if we get caught? You could lose your job." I say.

"We won't get caught. I promise we won't." He answers.

"Look I should get going." I didn't want to leave but my mom will flip out if I don't get home soon.

"Do you not want this?" He asks. I do want this. I do. But I'm scared of the outcome.

"I don't know..." was all I managed to say. I picked my things up and walked out of the door. I wanted to stay. I really did. But it was too risky.

I walk outside and of course it was raining. "Fuck my life." I blurt out. I try to cover my head with my bag, but it didn't help. I walked quickly down the side of the road. My house was a couple miles from school.

"Mia! Mia stop!" I heard as a car pulled up next to me. It was Mr.Graves. "Do you need a ride?" He asked. Yes.

"No it's okay." I tell him. Of course I wanted a ride but what if someone seen us?

"Mia. Get in. Now." He said sternly. Yes sir. I thought to my self.

"But" I started to say.  He jumped out of his car and grabbed my arm.

"Let's go you stubborn girl." He opens the door for me and I sit down in the car. "This stubbornness is going to get you punished Mia." He added. Punished? What kind of punishment?

"Where do you live?" He asked as he got back into the car.

"Oh just take a right at the end of this road then a left and my house is at the end." I explain to him.

"Okay." Was all he said. It started to get sort of awkward now. I really didn't know anything about him.

"What's your first name?" I ask as I look over to him.

"It's Cameron." He answers. I liked that name.

"Cool." Was all I said. We soon arrived in front of my house. "Well this is me." I say as I go to open the door.

"Wait Mia." He pulls me back.

"Yes Mr.Graves?" I turn to him and ask.

"You can call me Cameron. But look I'm sorry for being so straightforward. I shouldn't of kissed you." He explains.

"It's okay Mr" I stop myself. "Cameron, it's okay." I tell him. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him to do a lot more than that, but it's a bad idea. "I better go..."

"Bye Mia." He said as I stepped out of the car. "Wait can I give you my number? You know just in case?" He asked.

"Uh sure" I say and give him my number. "Bye." I say. I walk up to my house as he drives off. I walk inside and hear my mother crying. What's wrong with her now?

"Mom? Why are you crying?" I walk up to her and sit down with her.

"Your father and I got into a fight." She says as she continues to cry.

"You guys fight all the time." I answer.

"It was bad this time. We've decided to get a divorce." She says.

Well, great.

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