Chapter Four

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After my mother told me about her and my father getting a divorce I just went to my room to cry.

She said it was for the best, but to me it wasn't. They can work things out. She said that he was moving out of the house. My mother wants me to stay with her, but I don't know if I can. My father is going to be moving away. I don't know how far, but I can't go with him. I can't just leave my life behind here.

My mother and I haven't spoke anymore tonight. I'm afraid she may break down, but I hope she doesn't. I know divorce is a common thing, but I just never thought it would happen to my parents. They used to be so happy together.

Ugh, I just wanted to get away right now. I need out of this house. I need away from my parents. I needed to get drunk and forget about everything. So I decided to text Garret. I'm going to regret it, but he'll know if there's a party going on. there a party going on tonight? I gotta get my minds off things.

He texted back quickly.

Garret- yeah I was bout to go over there. I could come get you?

Me- ok.

"Fuck!" I yelled. What am I doing? I know I will regret this.

I decided to get up and start getting ready. I wanted my outfit to be simple so I just went with jeans and a crop top. I put on a little makeup and straitened my hair.

Garret- I'm outside.

I quickly grabbed my phone and ran down stairs. I looked for my mother, but I didn't see her anywhere. I quietly snuck out of the door and ran down to Garrets car.

"Okay nothing is going to happen between us. I'm just trying to party and get drunk. Got it?" I say as soon as I get into his car.

"Whoa calm down." Garret threw his arms up in the air. "I wasn't gonna try anything with you. I'm with someone else now anyways."

"Oh...well never mind." I didn't really know what to say. He moved on fast. But I guess I did too. I did kiss my teacher today so I guess I have no room to talk.

I slumped down in my seat. I just hope it isn't a long ride.

"Where's your friend Kayla at?" Garret said, breaking the silence.

"Oh I'm not sure. Probably out with a guy or something." I answered. It made me realize she hadn't texted me at all after school.

"Oh. Well anyways I was wondering, could we be friends?" He asked.

"Us?" I asked back. "I mean I guess so." I guess it was time we made up anyways, but it never would be nothing more than a friend ever again.

"Okay." He smiles. "Thank you."

I nodded back and smiled. It was still awkward, but at least were coming to terms with things.

It was long until we reached the party. It was already packed. People were everywhere.

"Who's party is this?" I asked Garret. I had never seen this house before.

"Oh just some guy from college." He answered. It kind of worried me that Garret didn't know the guy, but I'm sure most people here don't.

"Well I'm going to go get a drink." I tell him as I get out of the car.

"Alright, well text me or something when you're ready to leave." He told me. I'm glad he's being nice about this.

"Thank you."

We both go our separate ways. I walk inside the house to find so many people scattered everywhere. It was hard to walk through them all. I find the kitchen after what feels like ages.

I decide on just beer at first, but end up taking mostly shots. It would get me drunk faster.

I walk out of the kitchen and start dancing with some guy. I didn't know him but he was cute, I think.

"You wanna go somewhere more private with me?" He asked as he came closer to me. Why is every guy the same?

"No thanks." I say sternly.

He looked down at my as if he was shocked. "Well this is my party and I'm not taking no for an answer." He says as he grabs my arm.

"Get off of me!" I yelled, trying to jerk my arm out of his grasp. He pulled me closer to him.

"But I'll make you feel so good." He says into my ear.

"I doubt that." I snap at him. "Get the fuck off me!" I jerk my away from him. He grabbed my arm again as I tried to walk away. "Get off!" I turn back around and slap the guy.

"What the hell Mia?"

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