Chapter Five

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"What the hell Mia?"

Oh my god. It looked like Mr.Graves. Was he really here or was I really that drunk, or both? Either way I just slapped the guy across the face. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!" I apologize. I rub my eyes and try to make sure it was really Mr.Graves. "Wait, what are you doing here?" I slur.

"Well I had texted you and you told me to come get you." He explained, holding his jaw. I don't remember that. "Let's go, you're way too drunk Mia." 

"I ain't that drunk." I point my finger at him.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Come on!"

"No!" I cried. Was I really crying now?

"Suit yourself." He said. Guess I won that fight. Or so I thought. Before I could say anything he lifted me up and over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I whined as he carried me out of the house. He laughed at my whining as he sat me down into his car. I watch him as he gets into the car. "You know you're hot." I say as I poke at his cheek. Ugh it was really hitting me now.

"Quit it." He pushed my hand away.

"It's called a compliment, learn how to take it." I try to poke at him again.

"Mia." He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Ugh!" I throw my arms down next to me, pouting. I haven't been this drunk in a while, I forgot how bad I can get.

Mr- I mean Cameron, had been driving for a while. I'm not sure where we're going. I really didn't want to bother to ask. Eventually he pulled in front of a house.

Cameron got out and came around to my side, helping me out of the car.

"Come on, let's take care of you." He says as we walk inside the house. "You can stay with me tonight. I'll take you to the spare room."

"I don't wanna go to bed though!" I cried.

"Well you're going to anyways." He replied. Cameron lifted me up again to carry me to the room. I would probably like this a lot better if I weren't so drunk. He placed me down on the bed. "Here's some shorts and a shirt you can wear."

"Noo! I'm not changing!" Ugh I whine too much. I'm going be regretting this in the morning. But I don't right now.

"Here just let me Mia." He tried to change my shirt for me.

"No!" I yell again as I jump up from the bed. He moved toward me and I ran away from him. "Ha! You can't even catch me!" I laugh at him.

"You better stop running from me little girl." His eyes were darker now, it was starting to turn me on.

"Ugh fine." I pout. I sat back down on the bed and helped him take my shirt. I don't even care that he's seeing me without a shirt. I probably won't remember this anyways.

I watch him as he grabs a pair of shorts. He looked so good right now. He had his sleeves pulled up, his arms were so muscular and his veins were popping out. I lick my lips. I wanted him so bad right now.

Before I realized what I was doing I pressed my lips against his. At first he kissed me back, but then he stopped himself. "You don't know how bad I want to Mia, but I'm not going to until you're sober." He answered.

"Fine." I pout. I sit back down on the bed again and get under the cover.

"I knew you wanted me." He bragged.

"That's just drunk me talking." I smirked. Not really though. I did want him. Sober or not. "Welp good night." I smile too him and roll over under the blanket.

I heard him laugh and say "goodnight Mia." I felt him kiss my head before he walked out of the room.

I woke up a few hours later. I was somewhat more sober now. But I was more worried about where I am? I pull myself up from the bed and rub my eyes.  My head was pounding, but it wasn't my main concern right now.

I get out of the bed and notice I'm only wearing a t-shirt. What the hell? The last thing I remember was thinking Mr.Graves was at the party.

"Ugh, I gotta pee!" I accidentally say out loud. I run to the door and step out of the room I was in. Where the hell am I? I was beginning to panic.

I walked down the hall, opening each door to try and find a bathroom. I reach another room and open the door. It neither a bedroom nor bathroom.

It was very dark inside. I look around and notice handcuffs, whips, and then a bed. Mr.Graves was standing over the bed, then I looked closer and seen a woman laying on the bed.

"What the fuck?"

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