Chapter Two

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"You know most shy girls are the biggest freaks right?"

Mr. Graves did not know what to say after that. He was stunned. Completely stunned.  Ha I'll show him shy.

I say nothing more and leave the room to catch up with Kayla. She was already outside in her car. I hop in and we drive off.

"Well forget him he's a jerk." She says as she turns the radio up.

"Definitely." I agree with her, but I didn't plan on forgetting him.

We both start to sing together and dance together in the car. Everyone was judging us but we didn't care.

"Sooo." Kayla says as she turned the radio back down. "You're staying the night right? So we can go to this party. Pretty please?" She started to pout.

"Ughh fine. You know I can't miss a party." I finally give her the answer she was waiting for.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She screamed. This girl was going to be the death of me one day.

We arrive at Kaylas house and run inside. Her house always impressed me. Her mom and dad were rich. They owned a few businesses I believe. You would never know it though, they sure don't act like it.

"Hey how's my favorite girls doing?" Shannon, Kaylas mom asked.

"Great mom, but we have to go get ready for a party tonight." Kayla tells her as she tried to drag me up the stairs with her.

"Alright girls. Have fun!" She answers. Her parents didn't really care what she did as long as it wasn't too bad. My parents on the other hand would  kill me if they knew I went to a party. Especially if they knew how many I had been to.  I always have to lie and say we went to the movies or something.

We walk into Kaylas room and she starts throwing everything out of her closet. I tried picking things back up but it didn't help much.

"Here it is!" She held up a tight black dress. "I bought this the other day but you're gonna wear it tonight! It will look much better on you."

"I don't know about that." I laugh. "But I guess since I don't have anything of my own."

"Put it on! Put it on!" She says, a little too excited.

I take my clothes off, not caring that Kayla could see. Neither of us cared. Then I slipped the tight dress on. I looked into the mirror. It did make my curves look great.

"Holy fuck! You're so hot!" She says as she stared at me. Sometimes she was just too hyper.

"Well what are you going to wear?" I ask.

"Oh the same thing but in red!" She held up the red dress in front of her. She slipped her clothes off and put the dress on.

"Holy fuck! You're hot too!" I yell, copying her words. We decided to take pictures together.

"I'm gonna post it." I say. I post one of our pictures on Instagram.

"Look who followed you!" She says pointing to my phone. Oh my god. It was Mr. Graves. "Girl I knew he was wanting to fuck you."

"I'm sure it was an accident." I try to blow it off. She rolls her eyes, but says nothing more. I mean it had to be an accident right?

After about a hour we decide to finally get ready. I started with my makeup. I just went with a natural look. Then I decide to curl my hair. My hair was very long so it took forever to curl, but it was worth it. I wanted to look my best.

"Girl it ain't gonna matter how good you look we're just gonna get drunk as hell anyways." Kayla laughs. "I'm kidding I'm kidding. We gotta look good because we getting some tonight!"

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