{They're just Children! - Chapter 9}

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Come back with me


Tommy quickly looked up from the ground, seeing black boots in front of him. He looked up a little more, and saw the green hoodie and white mask of Dream. He yelped and scooted away from the man.

"Oh, Tommy, what have they done to you?" Dream asked, stepping closer and kneeling down.

He reached a hand out to cup the teen's cheek, the boy only flinching at the touch and staring wide-eyed at him.

"They didn't do anything," Tommy whispered, avoiding the man's gaze.


Tommy looked up at the hooded male at the use of his nickname.

"Don't lie. Friends don't lie," Dream said, making the strawberry-blonde shiver, and then asked again; "What did they do?"

"Why do you think I'd trust you, after all you've done to me; what you've done to my friends and family?" The teen asked, slapping the older's hand away.

Dream seemed offended by the action, and the strawberry-blonde felt regret for doing so, oddly enough. That regret quickly dissipated as Dream slowly stood up, fear flooding him. He brought his arms up to cover his face, his knees drawn up tightly, and his eyes shut.

"Tommy, I'm not gonna hurt you. Why would I?"

He slowly opened his eyes, seeing a hand being held out to him. He uncurled himself, looking at the hand, then up at Dream's mask. It was moved slightly so that he could see the man's mouth, which was giving him a soft smile. It felt comforting. Tommy blinked, and finally reached a shaky hand out to take it. He was lifted upwards, and then the man took him by surprise with a warm hug. The teen cautiously hugged back, melting into the warmth.

"You missed me," Dream said quietly.

Tommy was about to retaliate with a remark, but his voice came in a small whimper.

"I fucked up, Dream. Ranboo got mad, and almost killed me," He said, then trying to weakly push the man away, which was ineffective, "Why do you care? After all you've hurt, everything you caused... why?"

"Toms, I'll always care about you. You're my friend," He said, backing away, still holding the boy's shoulders, "Did they just kick you out?"

Tommy shivered. Of course this happened. He opens up to Dream, he says kind things, and then asks him questions and tells him how truly alone he is.

"No. I ran to find Ranboo and..." Tommy paused.

"And what?" Dream asked.

"I'm not really sure I wanna go back," The strawberry-blonde said, looking away and rubbing his left arm.

"Tommy, they're your friends. Practically your family! Why'd you not wanna go back?" The man asked, faking surprise.

"They... might not want me back," Tommy admitted with a heavy sigh.

Dream stayed quiet, his arms dropping to his sides. The strawberry-blonde looked up at the man, tensing to run.

"Come back with me, then," He said suddenly.

Tommy widened his eyes, then narrowing them, bringing his arms up to hug himself. He takes a step back from the man, looking at his shoes.

"What if..." He gulped, looking up at the man with tears in his eyes, "What if you put me in the prison?"

"I won't, I promise," Dream said, taking one of Tommy's hands and tugging on it.

Tommy looked down at his shoes again. After a tense moment, he looked back up at him, a stray tear falling down his face.

"Oh, Toms... I-,"

Before the man could finish, there was the sound of something teleporting, an angered screech, and a black and white figure hitting the man. Tommy stood in shock, looking at Dream, who was now lying on the ground. His mask had been offset at the punch directed to his face, showing a single wide green eye and his bleeding nose.

"Get the fuck away from my brother!"


Before Tommy could process what had just happened, Dream laughed. He slowly stood up, took out his axe, (which Tommy hadn't noticed being strapped to his back), and sighed.

"Ranboo, he's not really your 'brother' if you attack him, right?" The man asked.

Tommy shivered, his eyes wide at the question. The Enderman hybrid only answered with a growl, taking a threatening step forward. Dream lifted his axe so it reasted across his shoulders, readjusting his mask so it covered his whole face again.

"You wanna duel, hybrid?" He asked, getting into a defensive stance and bringing his axe down so he held the handle with both hands.

"Then let's duel,"

Ranboo screeched in surprise when Dream rushed forward, his axe swinging down to his side. He jumped up, his axe up by his head to swing it down. The Enderman hybrid grabbed Tommy's arm and teleported them both out of the way, the masked man landing with his axe wedged into the ground. He pulled it up roughly, straightening. He looked around, squinting at his surroundings to catch the two boys. When he didn't, he smirked to himself and laughed.

"Oh, you coward," He said, then yelling into the forest; "You can't hide forever! I know where you reside! I'll bring more people to take you all back to the SMP! You can't stop the inevitable!"

They're just Children! {REWRITING!}Where stories live. Discover now