jumping cars

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As soon as the door closes Ruby straddles me. She gives a snarl “leave us.”

The other demons shoot me a smile full of malice before leaving through the door. Once we’re alone Ruby looks at me and turns my head one way and than the other, as if inspecting fruit at a market stall “you know, I’ve never understood why shifters are so good looking. Now what type of shifter are you?”

She lets her ands trail down my chest while she waits for an answer, I keep my mouth shut and she pouts, “you know I’ll get the answer out of you.”

As she speaks I feel her fingers dig into my skin, each one burning as if they’re made out of fire. I hiss in pain and she flashes me a smile “Did that hurt?”

I groan as she begins to slowly drag her hands down, making slices in my chest. I try not to shiver in disgust as she leans into my ear and whispers, “what are you?”

I give a yell as she punches me in the stomach. I try to shove her off but she wraps her hands around my throat and I feel the burn again as her fingernails dig into my skin.

“It’s funny how silver hurts your kind, now in case you haven’t noticed my fingernails have been painted with a nail polish that contains silver dust, so tell me what you are and I won’t bury them into your skin until your blood burns.” She says the words as if she’s reluctant but her eyes gleam with bloodlust.

I gasp as he digs deeper and I can feel my blood trailing down my chest. Half gasping I manage to say, “I’m a werewolf,”

Ruby looks at me in surprise before smiling, as if she’s found a hidden treasure “so you’re telling me that I now own the last Werewolf in the world?”

I give a growl “you don’t own me.”

She laughs and leans in. Her kiss is harsh and I struggle to push her away, but her finger nails burn every time they touch my skin and soon I try to stay as still as possible.

She pulls back “Actually you are mine. I’ve always wanted a pet and now I have one, tell me what would you rather wear, a red collar with a name tag or a black collar with spikes on it?”

Ignoring the burning feel I grab her hands and shove her off. She gives a laugh as she takes a step back while I cross to the other side of the room, “You know the thing I love most about your kind is that you love to fight for your freedom, and I love to break that. You’ll soon beg me to love you, because the alternative will be a hell you can’t even imagine.”

She crosses the room before I can blink and grabs my arms. I struggle as she pulls a loop of chain from her jacket.

She knees me in the stomach and I double over, groaning at the force of the hit. As soon as I bend over I feel a burning pain around my neck.

Jerking away from her my hands immediately move to my neck. As soon as my hands touch the chain I cry out.

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