marking you

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My father had always said to never run form your problems, but I think he would agree that running was the best idea this time. I’m not meant to have a mate. It’s impossible. I know she’s not the same as me; we shouldn’t be able to be together. Fear shoots through me, maybe I brushed up against her mate as I made my way through the school. I want to merge but I know I can’t. No one can know what I am, human and shifters alike. I can hear a growl behind me as I run. I don’t want to be part of a pride. I’m happy with my life as it is. Sure it’s not perfect, after all my entire family is dead but I’m making do with what I have. I don’t need any extra complications.

I reach the boundary of the school and without worrying about people seeing I jump the fence into the forest that lines the back of the school. I should of never of come to a school with shifters. But I was lonely, they might not be like me but they are the closest things to me. My shirt gets caught on a branch and with a rip it comes right off. She’s still behind me and I hear her give another low warning growl. I’m not sure why she hasn’t just merged but I’m hoping she won’t. In my fear I completely miscalculate the timing for a jump and trip over a log. I hear a hiss behind me and scrambling, I try to get up.


I watch as he trips over in his haste and hiss in laughter. He put up a good run, though I’m confused as to why he didn’t merge, although if he had, I would of lost him. After all I couldn’t just merge now after hiding it for so long. I walk up to him and grab his arm pulling him up. He groans and once he realises who has him he gives a yell and tries to jerk away.

Being seven times stronger I hold onto him easily and he looks at me in surprise. I don’t blame him. I’m at least a head shorter than him and don’t sport half as much muscle as he does. “Come on,” I say as I begin to drag him back to the school. I’ve never seen him around here. I’m guessing he’s new. He shakes his head “no! I can’t go with you! Let go of me!” I whip my head around to face him “excuse me but you don’t get a choice.” I begin to walk again half dragging him behind me. He shakes his head “fine than, I reject you!” I snort in amusement “you and I both know that doesn’t actually work, sorry but you’re stuck with me.” He growls “no! I don’t want to be a part of your pride! I can’t be!” I shake my head “who said you had to join my pride? I can join yours. Trust me I don’t have anything to hold me to my own pride.” He shakes his head “no, just let me go!” I look at his face and say, “you don’t have a pride. Well in that case, sorry but you actually do have to join my pride than.”

He twists his arm and wanting to see what he’ll do, I let go of him. He looks surprised that his move worked before backing away from me. I laugh as the predator in me begins to purr in excitement “really? You want to try it again?” His face goes white “just let me go. If we’re really mates than you’ll let me go.” I give a smile “I’m sorry but that goes against every meaning of mates, let me guess, you’re one of those ones who isn’t ready for a mate, well sorry but you better get use to the idea.” He thinks about it for a second and I already know he’s trying to pretend that he’ll come. My eyes pick up the tiny strain in muscle as he’s about run away and before he can take two steps I grab his arm and yank him back.

He finally seems to realise that I’m more of a threat than he first thought and he begins to fight. I’m still surprised he doesn’t merge but I’m not complaining. He tries to punch me as I hold him and I grab his fist mid-air. He looks in surprise; after all he doesn’t know I’m seven times faster and stronger than he is. He wraps a leg around both of mine and pulls, sending us both to the ground. I twist so that I’m on top of him.

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