lets start again

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I’ve finally put my mate behind me. Keeping low in the trailer I watch as the Ute flies across the highway. There is no way Cleo will find me now. A small stab of pain hits my chest and with a sigh I realise that I’m running away from the one person who was meant for me.

I bite back a growl, there is no way I could ever love someone like her. Her very core is twisted and deep down I afraid that I may turn out to be as dark as she is if I stay with her.

I can smell the heavy scent of fuel and people as we near the city and soon the Ute is weaving its way through the suburbs. The Ute begins to slow down and I jump out before it stops. Looking around I spot a park. The neatly cut hedges and trimmed trees make up a small green heaven in a place of grey.

I duck down behind one of the hedges and lie down deciding to stay in my wolf form for a while. A huge weight of relief is lifted off my shoulders She can’t find me here. The city is a maze and without the bond there is no way for her to locate me.

I give a frown, at the moment the bond is closed off between us because I’m consciously aware of it, as soon as I fall asleep the block I place on it will waver and disappear. She’ll be able to find me again.

Knowing that the idea of never going to sleep again is absurd I decide that I will have to sleep for a few hours before waking up and moving to somewhere else in the city. My plan is flimsy but until I can find a way to try and reverse the bond it’s the only one I’ve got.

I shut my eyes and allow myself to have two hours of sleep. Cleo is far behind me and there is no way she can cover that much distance and than navigate her way around the city in two hours.

I give deep sigh and relax my mind. I feel the bond ignite as it connects us but I’m already asleep.


I spot Winter as he jumps out of the Ute and in an urgent voice I ask the man to pull over. He looks at me worriedly but I’m already gone running down the streets, trying to keep Winter in my sights.

I give a smile as I run, being in the city means that it’s a lot harder to follow a scent but it works two ways. Winter has no clue I’m behind him. I watch him as he makes his way to a park.

Unsure as to he plans on doing I wait behind a near by building. I study the park searching for his familiar shape but he doesn’t reappear from behind the hedge. He can’t change back into his human form because he doesn’t have a single scrap of clothing on him but that doesn’t mean he won’t leave the park in his wolf form.

A moment later I feel a warm feeling deep inside my chest. Taking a deep breath I shut my eyes. The feeling fills me with happiness and joy and my eyes open.

The bonds back. Knowing he wouldn’t voluntarily have the connection between us open again I summarise he must be asleep. The block he placed is gone and it’s easy for me to sneak up to him now that he’s asleep.

Keeping my walk slow and unhurried I cross the street, dodging people as they go about their day. My heart is hammering and I shove the nerves down. Even though he’s rejected me I still want him, I still need him.

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