The Blood City

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Ever since Winter left, Ruka's been on a war path. She's tried to locate him using the mate bond in the same way I did when he ran but apparently it won't work for her, just another thing to prove how she's twisted the bond.

She's threatened me, begged me and done everything in between and through it all I've refused to help her, retreating into my own mind when she flies into fits of rage.

I'd given Winter time to escape from the motel and he took the car meaning Ruka was stranded as he escaped. After I was sure she wasn't going to catch up with him I left her alone.

The rest of our time at the motel is blank, I'd retreated away from her rage as it coursed through her body. I'm scared to wonder what happened to any of the motel residents. 

Ruka gives a laugh "I didn't kill them if that's what you're thinking."

I frown or I would if I had a body, I didn't think I'd opened myself back up to Ruka but apparently I've done it unconsciously "why? I thought you'd go on a killing spree just to spite me."

Ruka laughs "To kill properly means time, there is no point in killing quickly, otherwise the fun is over. But I don't have time at the moment every second means Winter is getting further away."

I feel the leather of the gearstick beneath my palm as Ruka changes gears and she continues "But it was very kind of that man to give me his car I barely had to threaten him."

Looking through the windshield I can see the road stretch away, Winter had, at best gotten a fifteen minute head start and I'm desperately hoping he's ignoring traffic rules and driving as fast as he can.

Ruka must feel my worry as she gives a low laugh "He's not going to get far."

I half snarl, "What makes you think I won't just fight for control again?"

Ruka shrugs "I'm sure you could but there is a simply solution, once I get Winter back I'm getting rid of you."

"You're lying. You can't. You'll kill us both or destroy the mate bond"

Ruka seems bored with the conversation "maybe I can, maybe I can't, but trust me I'm going to try everything possible to make you disappear, Once I get winter back."

Ruka, obviously sick of talking to me turns the music up and starts to sing while I stew in my anger. Doubt creeps in, could it be possible for her to cut me out? The idea of Winter facing her by himself has fear crawling around me and I push the thoughts aside. For now I've got to concentrate on making sure Winter stays as far away from Ruka as possible.


When I ran I had no plan but now after driving down the highway for an hour or two all I can think about is how I'm going to kill Ruka while leaving Cleo unharmed.

Thoughts of finding a witch come to mind but they're not known for their enthusiasm to help out shifters. There's always been an uneasy alliance between witches and shifters.

After all Shifters were hunted by witches for their bones, skin and every other body part because of the power they gave to witches spells. I know for a fact that werewolves' claws are considered incredibly valuable to witches and as the last one surviving I can't help but think they might rather use me for spells than help me solve my problem.

I sigh, great, the only people who could possibly help me would be more inclined to cut me up as soon as they saw me. Even after the battle between shifters and witches in which the uneasy truce was created stating witches could no longer hunt down pack or pride members the exception was made that any rogue was fair game for the witches.

Considering I'm on the run and don't belong to a pack or pride, technically I'm a rogue and letting a coven of witches catch wind of the fact that a remaining werewolf is without protection is not a smart move.

I turn the idea of going to the warlocks instead over in my mind. While they're the witches' counterparts they don't deal in spells that require ingredients such as fangs and fur. An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach. Warlocks instead use supernatural energy to fuel their spells. While letting a warlock drain my energy from me wouldn't kill me it would leave me defenceless for a few days. And if the stories are true, a warlock will be happy to take advantage of my weakened state and sell me off to witches, putting me back in the same situation where I'm cut up for body parts.

None of my thoughts are particularly helpful and I continue to drive sifting through half useless plans while always being fearful of seeing Ruka appear in the distance behind me.

What I really need to do is find out more information about demons. I barely know anything about them, except that they appear to be evil and seem to want to achieve cliché evil things like destroying the world.

It's easy to say that considering I'm dealing with a demon, my Intel is a little old.

I shake my head at my stupidity. If I want to find out anything about the supernatural than I really should go underground. I shake my head surprised the idea of of going to Blood city hadn't occurred earlier. 

It's been years since I've visited the place, almost like it was another lifetime. The nearest entrance point to the City is about a day's drive from where I am. The Blood City, the original place of supernatural creatures, the place where we can all trace our ancestors back. The very walls of the city were created with blood from all kinds of supernatural folk. It's a place of strong magic and I give a low growl, I'd never liked the place.

The Fae, witches, warlocks and Shifters had all been born from the earth where the centre of the city lies. Of course over the hundreds of years the city has grown until it's the size of a small country.

If I want to find out anything about demons this will be my best hope. I might not like the city but it does have one other advantage. It's on sacred land, meaning that I should be safe. The only blood allowed to be shed is at the entrance, which is part of a ritual.

Once I'm inside the city no witch can try to use me spells even if I am considered a rogue. Because of this reason many shifters who don't belong to a pack or pride live here, using the safety of the city to avoid being hunted down by witches.

I frown,it does also mean that covens of witches hunt around it, trying to pick up any rogues that try to travel to the city.

Once I'm in the city everything will be fine but getting there might be another matter.

Hey everyone!

Here is another chapter, it's not as long as the others but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

If you do like it please vote and I always love comments!

Have a great day!

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