emotions are on the table

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I'm not sure how long Ruka and Winter kiss. It's probably only for a few minutes but the time seems to stretch out. Every time Ruka runs her hands along his chest I feel my anger spike. Every time she kisses him I have an intense desire to gouge out her eyes. The worst thing is that Winter is kissing her back and as far as he knows he's kissing me, and that sends my heart into a frenzy. If I could still cry I would be huddled in a corner while tears streamed from my face, But Ruka's taken that away from me as well.

Ruka's hands slip down to his jeans and I give a hiss "Don't you dare!"

Ruka flat out ignores me but Winter traps her hands while saying "Cleo I want to, trust me I'd love to but now isn't a good time. We've just gotten away from some crazy demons who wanted to let that bitch inside you take control and..."

Ruka raises an eyebrow "and? We're free from them, we should be celebrating."

Winter shakes his head "I know but I want it to be perfect, I want everything to be perfect and if we do it now than it will just be something we did to try and get over what has just happened."

If I could jump and clap I'd be doing so right now, never in my life have I loved Winter more than I do now. If Ruka and he went all the way I don't know what I would do, my emotions have been through enough today and I call out to Winter how much I love him, though of course he doesn't hear it.

Ruka rests her hands on Winters shoulders "Are you sure? I think now would be the perfect time."

Winter smiles and even though I watch through Ruka's eyes I can feel myself melt a little. His smile seems to be having a similar effect on Ruka as she leans in and kisses him slowly before saying "You're always the romantic, fine we won't do anything tonight but you owe me."

Winter laughs and leans in until his mouth is near Ruka's ear "Once we're not in some cheap looking hotel I won't be able to stop."

I give a yell of frustration those words are meant for me and yet Ruka is the one that smiles in reply and kisses him. I need to tell him, I need Winter to know that he's being played by Ruka.

"How are you going to tell him when you can't even control your own body?" Ruka asks me, finally paying me some attention.

I want to threaten her and tell her how she won't be on control for long but I can't form the words, because the truth is there's a very good chance I'll never get control back. Knowing I'll be trapped in here until I die is a terrifying thought but I can't see a solution.

Ruka sends another thought to me "I see you're still thinking, well when you have a plan let me know."

Wondering if I can shut myself off from her to have some sot of privacy I close my mind off. All my senses go dark leaving me in a pool of ink. I have no feeling, no sight and not a single sound can be heard, and I'm alone with my thoughts.

I give the equivalent to a sigh of relief, for now I don't have to listen to Ruka talking or to see her kissing Winter, for now I can drift along in darkness while I try to gather my thoughts.

I try to think back to how Ruka made me kill that man. It was the last thing I did while in control of my body and guilt lies heavily on my shoulders. I can still remember the blood lust I felt as Ruka pushed her emotions onto me, how everything became more focussed and how it seemed that nothing else was important unless I killed that man.I growl in disgust, I'd been weak; I'd let Ruka play with my emotions until I was begging to spill blood. I could blame her, say it was her fault I'd killed but I know that I was the one who did it. The blood was split because I hadn't been strong enough to ignore her emotions.

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