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I groan as I begin to wake up. I can't believe she knocked me out. 

I wait as slowly the pain numbs as my healing abilities speed up the healing process. I try to sit up and realise I can't move. Craning my neck I look to see my arms tied to a bed frame above my head. I look down and see that my feet are as well. I try and loosen the knots around my hands but it's impossible. Seeing that I have no way out I look try to see what my surroundings are. Blue walls and a white ceiling surround me. The bed I'm on is huge but apart from that I can't see anything else from the angle I'm at.

I not sure how long I lay like that. I don't think it could be more than ten minutes before I hear a door open. Seeing I'm in no position to do anything I shut my eyes and keep my breathing even.

I can just make out soft footsteps. I keep my face blank as I feel someone sit down on the bed. "Winter? I know you're awake." I hear Cleo's voice say. 

I don't respond hoping she's just guessing. I hear her smirk and I know she's smiling "Well if you're still asleep I guess you won't care will you?" I feel sparks run along my chest as she trails her hands along my chest. 

I keep my eyes closed hoping she'll stop when she gets no reaction. "Winter, you're not a good actor." I keep breathing as she bends down to kiss me and keep my relaxed form when she kisses my neck and than the mark she left on me. I try to ignore the part of me that wants her to keep going and silently chant in my head, pretend to be asleep.

She smiles against my skin "You're stubborn aren't you?" I hold in the smile of victory when she leans back. Suddenly I feel her hands go to my jeans and hear her voice say "I'll give you till the count of three. One." I feel her hand go to the waistband of my jeans, "two," I feel her undo the button and the zip, she pauses "when I say three, I will pull your jeans down. Three."

 I give a yell "stop!" 

She looks at me with laughing eyes "see that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Through gritted teeth I say, "Please do my jeans back up." 

She looks at me "fine, but only because you said please."

I wait as she does them up, before asking, "Now could you please untie me?" 

She lies down on my chest and I try to ignore the sparks that light me up inside. "Are you going to mark me?" she says. 

I shake my head and she sighs, "Than I suppose I can't untie you." 

I give her a scowl "Considering you're meant to be my mate, you don't seem to do anything but torment me." 

She smiles "so you've finally accepted we're mates." 

I shake my head "what? No!" 

She laughs "I have a simple deal for you. I untie you when you agree to mark me." 

I shake my head and I briefly see a flash of hurt in her eyes before she covers it up. She shrugs "fine, you can stay there," She leans down and gives me a kiss that makes me want to change my mind. She smiles as she watches my dazed look before turning and walking out of the room.


I know he wants me, I can see it when we kiss, but he still won't mark me. I leave my room with him in it and head down to the kitchen where my parents are. It's strange how both of them don't seem to mind that their only daughter doesn't seem to be able to merge yet the rest of the pack treats me as if I've tried to assassinate the alpha.

My Mum gives me a hug "how is he?" 

I give a shrug "It's weird, he wants me, I mean we're mates, there is a pull between us, yet he still won't mark me." I can hide the pain and fear of rejection from anyone, but my Mum sees right through it. 

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