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"Jeez Catherine, you nearly gave me a heart attack" Isabella screeched clutching her chest nervously, she looked over her shoulder half expecting Hunter to be stood watching too but there was nobody else around

"Sorry" Catherine shrugs not even attempting to making it look sincere "But you did figure it out, right?"

Isabella weighed up her options, did she really want to tell Catherine what she knew? To give Catherine the biggest lead she had so far and where she was going, what if she told Dominic?

"Yes, I did" Isabella sighed, there was no good excuse that she could come up with to be travelling this late at night that would convince Catherine 

"Good, let me in" Catherine demands walking to the passenger door and frowning when she pulled at the door which didn't open, Isabella really DID NOT want to do this, it was a bad idea and would make it all the worse when Hunter found out she had left, it was the Jackson situation all over again but at least Isabella liked Hunter.

"Or I could just go and let Hunter know?" Catherine threatened this was exactly the reason why Isabella was so sketchy around her, whenever Isabella thought that Catherine might be helping her out she did something that irritated her.

With another annoyed sigh, Isabella unlocks the door and Catherine climbs in without saying another word. Isabella sets off, manages to stall within the first few metres (making Catherine laugh) and then gets into the drive. Surprisingly, Catherine manages to actually wait a few minutes before asking the expected questions.

"So, what did you find out?" she demands, she is clearly hungry for information

"Well..." Isabella starts


Being such a cautious driver made the already long journey even longer, it took an extra two hours that it would a confident driver to get to the destination, by this point, Isabella's eyes were stinging from tiredness and Catherine had fallen asleep curled up in her seat hours ago. Nearing the end of the journey, Isabella took a moment to study Catherine as best she could while driving. 

Isabella thought herself a decent judge of character, she had to be with the role she was in at Hunter's side but yet whenever Catherine filled her head there was just a number of question marks, Isabella had to stifle a humourless laugh when she realised she had, had similar thoughts about Leila, like mother like daughter.

Was this just another case of a woman who was being misled by their mate, Isabella knew exactly how strong the mate pull could be but Isabella took a moment to think about what she would do if Hunter were a monster like his father was.

Isabella shook her head furiously, of course, she couldn't... right?

Somehow, Isabella had reached her final destination, she couldn't understand how as her thoughts had been completely preoccupied and she hadn't been paying attention to the satnav but this was definitely the house, or actually a beautiful, quaint, little cottage.

It was the most beautiful area that Isabella imagined she would love to live in with Hunter and the twins if they weren't the King and Queen, this just unfortunately not possible. Isabella felt her heart constrict for a moment as she thought of Hunter, by now he would surely have noticed that she wasn't there, had he found her note? Had he ran to the hospital wing to ensure the twin's safety?

Brushing the thoughts aside as to not get distracted, Isabella didn't wake Catherine and got out of the car quietly, if she was lucky, Isabella thought she might get 10 minutes or so private time with this woman before Catherine came in with her demanding attitude which usually made people, even Isabella, clam up. 

Isabella pushed on the small wooden gate at the end of the garden, cringing as it creaked against her hand, although there weren't any cottages directly next to this one there were some close by and it was still relatively early and Isabella hadn't wanted to draw attention to herself. Shakily, she walked up the path constantly looking over her shoulder nervously. For some reason, it was only now that she was here, Isabella felt completely exposed, there is no reason for anyone to know she was here (Unless Catherine had opened her mouth) and therefore, she should be safe but without Hunter by her side, Isabella felt like that frightened girl she had once been before Hunter.

Timidly, Isabella knocked on the door extremely quietly, unsurprisingly there seemed to be no reply so as Isabella had just about managed to pick up the courage to knock again, this time harder the door opened only ever so slightly. Isabella could only see two bright green eyes that seemed to shine. 

The woman stared at Isabella waiting for her to speak but there was something in her eyes, Isabella couldn't place it, it almost seemed like comfort and yet the woman was still hiding behind the crack in the door.

"H-hello," Isabella said trying to raise a smile

"Go away, I don't know why you are here but I don't want any part in it" the woman screeched 

"N-no, please, I need your help" Isabella blurted but it appeared futile as she door was shut in her face

The thought had never crossed Isabella's mind that the woman wouldn't want to help, it was only that Isabella also thought that Daisy might have not lived here, those letters were from many years ago but somehow, Isabella knew that that was Daisy but how she was going to get her to help she had no idea. There was something inside of Isabella that made her feel that Daisy held the key to many pieces of the puzzle that is her life.

Isabella knocked at the door lightly again, she looked over her shoulder and noticed Catherine was still in the car which made her sigh in relief, she did not need her causing trouble right now.

Isabella knew that this woman was the sister of someone who had caused her creation, her mothers death, her brothers abandonment, her father and sister's confinement and yet she suddenly felt the urge to blurt out exactly who she was.

"My name is Isabella, like my mother, I think you might have known her"


"I have travelled a long way because I have this... condition which I am very confident you know about"

There seemed to be a creak behind the door causing Isabella's heart rate to jump but then... nothing. Isabella sits down on the step at the door wondering what on earth she could say to get this womans attentions enough to make her want to help, her hands flopped to her side but not before brushing against something hard in her jacket pocket.

"Oh, and I have this, this necklace that I've been told..."

The door bursts open and a warm hand shoot out and wraps itself around Isabella's arm and pulls her with an unimaginable amount of force into the home. Isabella stumbles on her hands and knees before jumping up and spinning around. The woman in front of her was predictably older with white, grey hair and wrinkled skin but those shining eyes and strength that did not match the body but there was certainly nobody else here.

"You have the necklace, my necklace?" Daisy rasps holding out her hand with pure excitement causing Isabella to take a step back nervously

"It is my mother necklace" Isabella tries to say confidently 

"Please let me see it" the woman begs and seemingly under her control, Isabella reaches into her pocket and pulls it out, she doesn't hand it over immediately just lays it in the palm of her own hand for Daisy to see

Daisy gasps and hobbles her way to Isabella, she wraps her own hands around Isabella's with the biggest smile on her face.

"It is you" she grins

"What?" is all Isabella manages to splutter, she wants to pull her hands away with the necklace but can't.

"My granddaughter"

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