End of the End

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It was the end.

Camelot was falling to the ground, the immortal army cutting down any surviving knights.  Uther and Arthur barricaded themselves into the throne room, bringing a few key members of the castle with them, including Merlin.  They all knew this was the end - too much fear for far too long from both sides. 

With a deafening crack the door splintered into the room, killing a few of the remaining knights and nobles with the force of the blast.  Others were throne against the walls and immediately slain.  They were not given a chance.   

Arthur and Uther were thrown to the back was of the room, the shockwave absorbed by the Kingsguards' shields, and still they were injured.

The only one left standing was Merlin.  All the fear of Morgause was extinguished by a few simple words, "Be careful." 

Morgause just cocked her head and looked at the only person left standing with curiosity, "Fool.  You should be careful instead."  She launched the High Priestess special - a fireball.

By the Goddess, the tension was almost as high as the heat from the fireball.  Uther truly was afraid, as was Arthur, as were the remaining knights and nobles, but not the manservant who had seen his share of death, of destruction, of rage and heartache, nothing phased him anymore - so he let go.

It started with the roars.  The rolling crescendo echoing through the air, land, and halls, striking fear into the hearts of men and women alike - the dragons were back.  Uther had massacred them so everyone thought, even the High Priestess did.  Then seconds later the room noticed Morgause had launched a fireball at the manservant only for there to be no fireball just dozens of blue butterflies.

Merlin simply stared at her, his lively blue eyes hollow and colder than the depths of the seas, yet the flecks of gold still lingered.  "I told you to be careful," he said with a notable tsk, "You have no idea what you've done have you?  You pissed her off, and therefore, you've pissed me off." he said pointing to the ceiling.

Morgause paled considerably.  "You, you're lying, it's my destiny.  I'm supposed to bring magic back, me, me!She fell backwards, stumbling away from the raven as he simply walked forwards, slowly stalking her down, his stance leaving no room to ignore the power he held over this witch.

"Destiny is a fickle thing.  You should know this after revealing the bargain Uther and Nimueh made all those years ago.  You should know this after watching me intervene at every damnable turn, every fork in the road, every plan, attempt, or coup.  I've had mercy, she has had mercy on you Morgause, but after what you did to her and my beloved, you will wish she dealt with you."

Morgause further paled as screams echoed down the halls followed by the growl of a beast and smoke.  She turned her back to Merlin, trying to run away as the smoke cleared from the doorway.

"Darling."  Merlin said with a lilt of sarcasm and teasing in his voice.

"Beloved, I see you found her, almost like it was destiny."  In the doorway stood Morgana and a white dragon, her emerald eyes piercing into her half-sister's as she strolled toward Merlin.

The room was silent spare the heavy breathing of the dragon and the ragged, terrified breathing of Morgause.  However, with the last ounce of courage she had, Morgause lunged for Morgana, drawing a dagger as she went. 

Too quick for anyone else to process it, Merlin froze her in place, her feet just levitating off the ground.

"I told you to be careful.  Now, under the orders of the Triple Goddess herself," his eyes began to glow as the earth trembled and the air filled with the roars of the dragons, "You are sentenced to death and your title as the High Priestess shall be revoked and bestowed upon your half-sister, now High Priestess, Queen of the Magical Realm and Druids, Morgana Pendragon."

A litany of pleas fell from Morgause's lips as Merlin approached her and placed a hand on each of her temples.  In a flash of light she was gone, no trace of her existence left behind to plague the land.

With a snap of his fingers the kingdom returned to its former glory, each slaughtered man, woman, an child brought back to life, and the castle healed of its battle wounds.  The throne room also returned to its former state, the grand spectacle distracting them all from the manservant-turned-king's and the unknown Pendragon's change in attire.  Their royal garb matched perfectly, almost lifelike it was, with the living silver threads sparking in the daylight, a stark contrast to the ultramarine blue cloth.

Upon turning his attention back to the duo and their dragon Uther shouted for the guards to arrest them and kill the beast - granted there was much more colorful language in his phrasing, but it was the main point.  The room collectively looked at him like he grew a second head, and subsequently, Uther was taken back to his chambers by force and Arthur was made the regent for the time being.

Arthur was thrilled with the outcome and very ecstatically unbanned magic with widespread consent just days after the attack occured - Uther went mad soon after and Arthur was crowned.  This was the beginning of Albion.

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