The Prat's Protector

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"Rise and shine!"  Merlin shouted this as he threw apart the curtains beside the Prat's bed.  The only answer he got in response was a groan from said Prat who simply refused to move from his resting position.

"Arthur, you have to wake up.  Don't make me pull the blankets."  Merlin loved this part of the day more than he would care to admit, even if it did often lead to a goblet chucked in his direction.  Merlin sighed and tore the blankets from the bed, incidentally pulling a Prat out of the bed and onto the floor.  As soon as Arthur hit the ground, Merlin turned to the wardrobe and pulled out Arthur's training clothes for the day.

"Merlin!"  Arthur scolded as he collected himself off of the floor and went behind the screen.

The rest of the morning up and until the training of some new knights proceeded as normal, banter included.  As they reached the training grounds the familiar conversation could be heard, and the older knights and the Knights of the Round Table started laughing.




"That's my word you Prat!"

Although neither Arthur or Merlin would dare admit it, they were extremely fond of the other.

The new knights were performing sub-par with their dagger accuracy, and Arthur decided it would be best to jest with Merlin due to Merlin's apparent lack of skills in any category, especially in combat.

"Sir Owan, come on, even Merlin could hit the target by now!"  Arthur glanced at Merlin who just smirked, of course he could, saving the Prat's life was bound to teach him how to throw some daggers by now, especially if he were to do so without being caught.

Merlin resumed sharpening Arthur's sword, as he did during most practices, oblivious to the incoming danger.  Sir Owan simply got angry at the jest, unaware at how the camaraderie between Merlin and Arthur worked, so he threw a dagger at Merlin full force.  

"Merlin!"  Arthur shouted as he attempted to warn Merlin of the dagger, but it was not a needed warning.

Thank goodness for Merlin's magic alerting him to the danger as he snatched the dagger from the air, mere inches from his face.

The second Merlin realised he grabbed the dagger he simply stared at Sir Owan, who had shock and hatred in his eyes.  Merlin on the other hand was simply surprised by the knight's outburst and lazily tossed it towards the target that Sir Owan was originally supposed to hit.  It stuck dead center and Merlin resumed his work of sharpening Arthur's sword thinking nothing of the fact he caught a dagger and threw it with perfect aim.

The other knights who heard Arthur's shout of warning were standing dumbfounded looking at the manservant who resumed his tasks just as quickly as he was interrupted.  

"Alright, training for today is over.  Sir Owan, due to your negligence and hostility towards Merlin, you will report to the stocks till the hour be none* and then you will muck out the stables."  Arthur harshly spoke, he was furious with Sir Owan, but as no harm came to Merlin, he could not do any more.

As Arthur returned to his chambers Merlin followed, both deep in thought.  Arthur was worried for Merlin, he had literally just caught a dagger and tossed it into a target without blinking, even Arthur himself could not do that.  Merlin on the other hand was simply waiting until he could get rid of the assassin who was currently in the kitchens and had poisoned Arthur's breakfast with aconite.

The rest of the day went smoothly as Merlin proceeded to discard yet another plate of poisoned food by tripping on the stairs.  Arthur thought nothing of it until he himself went to the kitchens for some cheese and bread later that night after Merlin was late to bring him dinner.

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