Chaos at the Coliseum

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Warning bells deafened the sleeping town as knights dashed door to door in search of the Lady Morgana.

In the castle, Arthur was found bound and gagged, knocked out on his floor with his manservant's jacket unceremoniously tossed over a chair.

In the barracks, the Knights of the Round Table were found thrown about their chamber, each kocked out in unnatural resting positions.

Had one had to guess, they would have suspected foul play against Uther, after all the ward who was basically his daughter was missing, and that was the assumption made by the council.

Nothing like this had ever happened in Camelot before, nothing so crude, so brash, so idiotic as kidnapping some of the best liked people in Camelot would ever bode well for any party involved.  And yet, it united Uther with Arthur and his knights, each had a common enemy who hurt all three of them, and by the Goddess, would they pay.

Elsewhere, the three ravens were bound with sacks tossed over their heads, forced to kneel with their hands held fast with rope behind their backs. 

A set of large doors creaked open, filling the silent room with a reverberating echo that leached tension.  The clanging of metal - knights - strode into the room, followed by near silent steps that were padded by luxurious boots and no sight was needed to figure that bit out. 

Callously, the hoods were torn off the trio, each wincing at the harsh treatment, their eyes adjusting to view their captors and their fellow captives.

Whether by irony or destiny or a mixture of satire tossed in, there were  seven other trios scattered among the room, each in various stages of panic or rage.  All three looked at the other confused, why were they all there?

With a wave of the man's hand, the knights holding the captives still tightened and forced them to rise, each stumbling from the awkward way they previously kneeled.

The man leaned forward on his throne, a king of some sort before stating to obvious confirmation, "I am King Eldridge and you are my competitors." 

Someone at the back of the room gave a curse, another two a shout of question, before a glance and a few muttered words and the fell to the floor screaming before silence came upon them - they were dead.

King Eldridge looked content if his sadistic smirk was to judge it by.  "Get three more.  Go to, I guess Camelot this time, it seems Essetir breeds weak men."  Some knights teleported away, leaving the remaining eighteen filled with fear and hate.

At their exit, Merlin was about to lunge at the King before a flash of light came into the room, signaling their very quick return.

Three knights were tossed to the floor, bound and hooded, with the trademark Camelot red flowing behind them as they fell.

"Here you are my liege, we found these three riding a league away from Camelot, they shall not be missed."  One of the knights announced before bowing and stepping back.  The knights originally tasked to the dead men dragged the Camelotians to their feet.

"Now then.  You are all chosen to fight in my area, you will show your skills, and you will die for not fighting.  You will fight those with your skills so those of you with magic," he gestured to the half of the room with the raven trio, "fight those with magic, and those without magic," he gestured to the half with the new, knocked out knights.  "You will all stay in the same cell till it is your turn to fight.  Take them away." 

Merlin, not knowing who were under the hood struggled a bit more than normal.  Morgana and Mordred were terrified, they were well known members of the Pendragon household and army.  But all three knew why the other two were there, they all had magic.

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