Visible Visage

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A/N:  Hi!  I am so sorry I haven't updated this story in a good while.  With my first semester of university and the pandemic, it's been a bit hectic.  I have a few more one-shot ideas lined up, and a request or two I am aiming to fulfill.  Thank you for your patience, I hope you are all faring well with how the world is going, and enjoy this one-shot!


A polite knock rattled Arthur's chamber door and with a noise of acknowledgement from Arthur, proceeded to open.

"Sire, a woman claiming to have knowledge of sorcerers in Camelot has requested to appear before you in the council chmabers."  The servant spoke quickly, slightly worried, after all, sorcery was a crime against humanity.

"Notify them I will be there in just a moment.  Thank you, you are dismissed."  The golden king said, and just before the servant left the chambers, the comical shout of, "Merlin!" echoed behind them. 

----Time Skip----

"State your name before the council and your purpose for being here."  Arthur spoke with finality.

"My lord, I am Atara, sent by the Disir to steer destiny as it was meant to be."  She spoke from her bowed stance, respectful of the man who knew so little of how the world worked.

Behind Arthur, as always, Merlin stood his eyes piercing the woman's being, analyzing if it was in fact the truth.

Arthur pondered this admission, as the Disir were not considered allies nor enemies, but an uneasy agreement.  "Why did the Disir send you here?  After the last time we spoke, they appeared to be done with me and had no requests for me."

"My lord, I only know my role today, not of your previous encounters with the Disir.  They sent me to show you those with magic, their true appearances, not those they hide themselves behind."  Atara spoke with poise and not-so-subtly staring at the warlock behind the throne.

"How do I know you are not lying, that your goal is not to create chaos and sew destruction?  Why should I trust you or your supposed methods?"  The naive king asked.

"You will not know.  Nor can I say anything to convince you otherwise.  I am here to complete my task and I will do so with or without your blessing.  My purpose alone is to give destiny a shove in the right direction, to show those who are magic, and I will gladly leave."  Atara stated with a slight annoyed tone.

Arthur glanced around the room, taking in the nervous expressions of the council.  They had a sorceress willing to unveil other sorcerers.

"If you do this.  What signs do we look for, for those who have magic?"

"I did not say who have magic, but who is magic.  I am referring to your other side of the coin.  The magic to your courage and Sir Gwaine's strength.  For without this knowledge Albion will not come to pass.  All I ask, is with this knowledge you accept the truth as it is, that magic has helped you prosper, survive, and excel at your role as The Once and Future King."  The reverence in her voice to this mysterious figure was not missed, nor was the baffled look on the drunkard's or prat's faces. 

Arthur took this in before speaking, all the while his trusted manservant was fuming, how dare the Disir intervene.  What purpose could they possibly have for forcing this disaster of a reveal? 

"I agree with your sentiments and your goal, but I must know what to look for.  How will I know who is magic?"

"Thank you for your agreement, it will be of assurance to them.  I will cast a spell to show their true form, which even I was not informed of due to their powerful magic concealing them.  The effects of the spell will wear off within the day and will not prevent them from returning to their current appearance."  She spoke, presumably looking at Arthur, but Merlin knew it was to him.  The reassurance that if needed, he could still hide.

"Thank you Lady Atara.  Do you need any preparations for the spell?"

It was now or never.  Merlin knew this, his magic pooling to counteract and protect himself if needed. 

Atara felt the power shift in the room, towards Merlin, his instinctual magic rearing to protect him, but also showing that Atara could continue. 

"No my lord.  All I ask, is that you make no I'll judgements and allow me to transport all weaponry to the owners' respective quarters.  I do not wish to have harm brought upon them.  That is not my goal, nor the wish of the Disir."

The hesitation on part of some councilmen and older knights was apparent, but with a harsh glare from Arthur, their shifting subsided and the weapons vanished.

Arthur gave a final nod as Atara started the incantation.  In another moment, the aura of magic flowed freely through the room, providing a comforting sensation that could thaw the hearts of anyone, and they all knew it in their bones.

The councilmen began to stare, the knights's jaws dropped, and as Arthur turned his gaze, he fell upon Merlin.

Merlins eyes faced the ground and on his back stood a pair of golden wings flecked with silver.  His tunic sleeves happened to be rolled up to reveal intricate tattoos in the language of the Old Religion.  Sensing there was no present danger, Merlin dared to lift his head, his gaze meeting Arthur's astonished one.  His irises were the color of the sun - molten, bright, and beautiful beyond belief. 

Arthur slowly stood and approached Merlin, who visibly tensed, the magic in the air shifting pulling towards him.  Arthur continued his approach, slowly and carefully to not set Merlin off, who had his eyes wide and muscles tense.

As Arthur reached him, Merlin was brought into a warm embrace.  Arthur's arms wrapped around Merlin, slowly grazing the feathers, to which Merlin basically purred.

"Thank you."  It was a whisper in his ear, so soft and tender and all Arthur.  Merlin relaxed completely at the words, reciprocating the embrace. 

In a hushed manner, the Knights of the Round Table shoved the councilmen and other knights out of the room.  Atara vanished, to who-knows-where.  The Round Table knights returned to see Merlin basically asleep in Arthur's arms, and it was apparent the spell Atara cast was wearing off, his magic automatically hiding the real Merlin from sight. 

After a near-silent agreement by the knights and the king, Arthur carried Merlin to his royal chambers.  He slowly placed him in the bed while Arthur took to his desk, drafting what would be the first rendition of a law unbanning magic. 

For once, the Disir were satisfied, and Albion came to pass.

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