Kidnappings, Kinsmen, and Killings

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"Rise and shine!" The traditional Merlinian greeting bounced around the Prince's chambers like it did every morning.

"Come on Arthur, you have training with the knights, don't make me take the blankets."

A muffled groan came from Arthur as he trudged behind his changing screen where Merlin had already laid out his clothes for the day.

"Merlin, I want you to come to the training grounds today. If you are so insistent on coming with me everywhere I go, I need you to be able to defend yourself."

"Are you serious? I can handle myself quite well, after all I am saving your royal backside on a daily basis."

"Deadly, otherwise I will force you to stay here on hunts, quests, and every excursion after today."

"Fine, fine. How hard can it possibly be?"

Arthur had begun to train the new knights while Lancelot and Merlin were off to the side. Lancelot was teaching Merlin some basic footwork and Merlin seemed to have an innate skill for it, despite his natural clumsiness.

"Lance, why is Arthur making me do this, you and I both know I really don't need this."

"He cares about you more than he would ever admit and it is never a bad idea to learn to use a sword to defend yourself. Try getting into stance now." Merlin did just as Lancelot suggested and in a surprising movement Lancelot got into stance as well.

"Lancelot, are you sure we should do this?"

"Yes, it is perfectly safe, I assure you." Lancelot said with a smirk.

In an instant Lancelot attacked and to both their surprises Merlin parried and attacked with a surprising agility. It stunned Lancelot so much that in an instant his sword was on the ground and Merlin was doubled over laughing.

Arthur saw what happened from the corner of his eye and walked over just as Merlin was regaining his breath and Lancelot still had his jaw dropped in shock.

"Merlin! Since when can you do that?" Arthur was quite surprised as the not-so-graceful manservant had just disarmed a man who gave Arthur a run for his money.

"Honestly, I have no idea, but as I have told you I am a quick learner. I do watch you lot nearly everyday and I have been at the receiving end of a lot of the blows."

"Okay, if you are such a quick study, fight me. Or are you scared?"

Merlin pondered it for a second before speaking, "So long as you aren't scared of possibly losing to your manservant?"

Arthur got into stance and Merlin mirrored him perfectly. This drew quite a crowd of knights who all watched intrigued, they knew of the odd relationship between the two, but this was something new. Arthur was the first to attack and Merlin blocked it with ease. Arthur then struck sideways towards Merlin's head and Merlin dropped and kicked Arthur's foot out from under him. Arthur couldn't even react at the speed of the sudden kick and dropped to the ground and as he rolled over he saw Merlin over him, his eyes showing amusement more than anything.

"Sorry sire, but to tell you the truth Gwaine has been teaching me for a few months. After all, I do save your royal backside almost daily." This caused Lancelot to burst into a fit of laughter as well as Gwaine, who had in fact, been training Merlin almost every morning as payment for fetching him from his latest tavern of choice.

Merlin extended his hand and Arthur took it and gave Merlin a pat on the back.

"Practice is over for today, get a good night's rest as we will have training in the river tomorrow." Muffled groans came from some of the senior knights at this announcement and Arthur turned to leave with Merlin following suit.

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