Chapter 5

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Ignore him, ignore him, ignore him, ignore him.

A mantra repeated in my head.

He's not there, pretend he's not there.

Uvo-nii was captured just like how Kurapika had said. Using the chains on his hand, he had done it.

Currently, Kurapika and the rest of the group were heading back to the hotel with Uvogin-nii in the back of the car.

I found a needle hidden in Uvogin-nii's hair. Machi-nee must've thrown it before Uvogin-nii was taken by Kurapika. Sooner or later, the rest of the group will be catching up with us soon. If that's the case, I can't go back with them; not yet. Kurapika is determined to get revenge from the Troupe, but why? What did the Troupe do to him that made him so angry?

That is what I need to find out. Until then, I'll act as if I've never seen Uvo-nii or the rest of the Troupe.


Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw Kurapika scowling from the driver's seat. He turned around and I saw him use Gyo on Uvogin-nii.

"A thread! Probably made out of Nen!"

"There's something on his left thigh." I followed Melody's line of sight.

Plucking it from Uvogin-nii's left side and tossed it out of the open window.

Sorry, Machi-nee.

"....muscle relaxants and sleeping gas...."


Glancing over to Melody and Kurapika, I then glanced over to Uvogin-nii. He gave me a subtle nod.

I understand what you're doing. I won't compromise your position now.

Thank you, Uvo-nii.

I turned to look out the window again.

Just a little longer and I'll help you escape. I promise.


"Hey, wake up!"

Despite being on the other side of the door, I can still hear everything going on in there.

"Where did you put the stolen merchandise?"

Yare, yare. We don't have the merchandise.

"What time is it? How long have I slept?"

Close to midnight, I think. He's been out for a few hours.

"It seems that you don't grasp your current situation."

Classic Uvo-nii.

"I'm asking the questions here!"

Hearing the ringing sound of a sword and a snap, I can safely assume that the blade did not meet Uvo-nii's skin thanks to his Nen.

"Let's make a deal,"


I tilted my head out of curiosity.

"I'll spare yours lives, so let me up now."

The classic threat. I've heard Nii-chan say something similar before as well as Feitan.

"Wh-what is he saying? Is he insane?!"

"He is serious," said Melody. "I think."

Oh? This is a first. Melody's hearing is on point so this is a surprise. Can she truly not tell Uvogin-nii is lying or not?

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