Chapter 10

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"No! No! You nearly wiped them out of existence! You performed a mass genocide! And for what?! Their eyes?!"


"Shut up! Shut. Up! I can't believe you!"

"Y/n, you're perfectly fine with us killing others. What difference does it make in killing a clan? Because you love the chain-user? Is that it?"


"Yes," I repeated. "Because I love him and you killed his entire family and his clan and for what? Their eyes? I loved you, I idolized you, and all this time; you never told me the number of deaths you've caused over for a pair of eyes."


"Shut up!" I screamed. "Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

The floor underneath us cracked and shook, the debris started to float.


And all hell broke loose.


"An earthquake?"

Looking out the window, Kurapika and Basho stood side by side. The building nearby was shaking.

"It's not an earthquake," said Kurapika. "Nen."

"Correct," said Melody. "I can hear someone. A girl, no, it's Y/n."

"Y/n?" Kurapika repeated. "Why? What happened? Is she alright?"

"She's.....angry," said Melody. "'Shut up, shut up, shut up' is all she's screaming."


The outer walls started to form cracks and the groaning of the building started to hear across the city.


"Y/n!" Chrollo shouted. "Calm down!"

Pure, raw, uncontrollable Nen. When angered, Y/n can shift over to the Specialist allowing her to branch out to other categories of Nen.

Enhancer, Emitter, Transmuter, Manipulator, Conjurer.

All of it.

"SHUT UP!" Y/n screamed again. "SHUT UP! SHUT. UP!"

"Boss, we have to go," said Phinks. "She's lost control and you know she won't be able to calm down until it's over."

Knowing Phinks is right, Chrollo turned to leave.

Her screaming echoed on and on and on.



Kurapika skidded across the debris covered floor and picked up the girl.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

"My head hurts," Y/n grumbled, resting her head on his shoulder.

Feeling the tension in Kurapika's body, Y/n lifted her head up again and tilted it.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "Is everything okay?"

Kurapika lifted his hands and cupped her cheeks.

" survived?"


Digging through the debris, Kurapika found a small piece of glass and handed it to Y/n. She peered into it and saw her once e/c eyes are now a shade of crimson and scarlet red.

The glass broke into a million pieces.

"I'm....a Kurta...?"

"I don-"

"I know. I know. Come on, let's get you somewhere safer."

Kurapika gathered her in his arms and guided her away from the debris and away from the sirens.

"I see," said Melody. "Another Kurta has survived."

Sitting in the lavish suite were the bodyguards of the Nostrade family and Y/n.

"I don't understand," said Y/n. "Why didn't he take my eyes? He took the rest but not mine."

"It's possible he didn't take it because he didn't know," said Basho. "Or he did but he wanted you to keep them."

"It's the latter, I'm certain of," said Kurapika. "Y/n, do you remember what happened to you before you started to live with him?"


Meteor City. Nobody around. A faint shadow shape of a woman. Her lips were moving but no sound came out.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, and good luck.

"Nothing worth mentioning. Well, not really. I remember a woman but that's about it."

"In Meteor City?"


"Then you must be part Kurta," said Kurapika. "It's difficult to leave the clan but not impossible. Your mother, or possibly your father, must've left the clan and had you. Either your father walked out on you and your mother or an unknown man had impregnated your mother causing your birth and your mother decided to abandon you."

"How blunt," Y/n muttered.

"It's one or the other," Basho agreed. "Say, since you're on the fence, you might as well tell us what you know about your "brother" and "family"."

Melody shot Basho a look.

"She's had a long day," said Melody. "Perhaps some rest will do her some good first before she collapses from fatigue."

Wrapping an arm around Y/n, Melody helped her up to her feet and guided her to an empty room.

"The anger in Kurapika's heart has lessened," Melody quietly said. "Whether it's because of discovering you are a Kurta or not, it has lessened. Thank you."

Y/n glanced over to Melody.

"You care about him."

"As much as you do, yes."

Y/n smiled.

"I should be thanking you too then." Melody smiled back.

"Get some rest. We shall speak again once you awaken."

Y/n nodded and the door quietly shuts behind Melody.

Y/n chucked Phinks' tattered trainer jacket to the side then shucked her boots off.

Where do I go from here?

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