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❗WARNING❗will contain: language, trauma, blood/gore

This will be kinda long so be prepared to read it all.

Bokuto's POV

I'll never forget the day that he got into that car accident. I was at a game and we had almost won, but I noticed my coach walking out of the gym with a phone held up to his ear. He was gone for maybe thirty seconds, and when he came back inside, he looked at me and only me. He pulled me to the side and gave me the worst news imaginable.


"Bokuto, you know Keiji Akaashi correct?"

"Yes coach, he's my fiance, why?"

"I'm sorry to say this but I have bad news for you."

"Is he okay?? What happened to him?? If something happened I wi-"

"Bokuto, he left work early to come to the game, he got into a car accident a few minutes before he got here."

~flashback ended~

I never ran so fast in my life, the coach tried stopping me but he couldn't catch up. I could feel all my teammates staring at me from behind, especially Hinata, who had chased after me to see what was wrong.


"Bokuto senpai! Are you alright? Where are you going?"

"Hospital, it's Akaashi."

"Oh, well go on! I'll tell the others!"

"Thank you Hinata."

"It's no problem!"

~end of flashback~

Now I spend all my time here in the hospital, waiting for him to wake up. It's been maybe six weeks since he's been in this coma. The best response the doctors got from him was a few days ago, when he squeezed my hand. I had immediately called a doctor in and told them what he did, which they wrote down just in case. Nothing else happened after that, but I was patient. Akaashi looked so frail lying in the hospital bed. There were so many wires going into his body that were keeping him alive and I hated it, but if it was what kept him alive, then I would have to accept it.
A nurse came in with a sandwich and a small carton of milk and put it on the table next to me. She brought me food everyday because she so happened to be a good friend of Akaashi who wanted him awake as much as I do, according to her anyways. I want him awake more than anyone does, he's what keeps me going. He wishes me luck on all my games and cheers me up when we lose. He makes my favorite dinner when I have a bad day and I do the same, but I can't cook, so I take him out to dinner at his favorite restaurant instead which he loves. He buys manga so we can read it together and he buys my favorite movies so we can watch them together.
I remember coming to the hospital and seeing him in the bed with bruises on his head and his leg and arm in white casts being propped up. I remembered the stitches from the big gash he gotten right below his ear. I was told that he was found unconscious in his car bleeding from the side of his head, his glasses were broken and his arm was bent in a completely different direction and the bone in his thigh was broken and sticking out. He had been hit head on by a truck and the person driving suffered minor injuries compared to Akaashi. 
All of a sudden, I hear heavy footsteps coming to Akaashi's room. They weren't the doctor's or the nurses's, they would be lighter. It was a 'clunk, clunk, clunk' sound. I didn't know who it was but as soon as the person stepped in the room, I immediately knew who it was. His finger was in a splint and he had a boot on his foot possibly from a broken ankle. It was the man who had hit Akaashi. I sat up right away and yelled at him for what he did to my poor Akaashi.

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