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❗WARNING❗ will contain: death

(lots of angst)

No One's POV

It's been almost three years since the accident, and Kageyama never left Hinata's side. Hinata has been in a coma since he got hit, and doctor's were trying to tell Kageyama that there was an extremely low chance of him waking up. Everyday, Kageyama insisted that they should wait a bit longer, so they did. Hinata wasn't getting any better, nothing changed. Still looked frail and weak as he did the night of the accident. The black haired boy visited everyday for hours on end, so the doctors just let him stay there every night and day, knowing if he was going to be there all the time, they might as well just let him stay. Kageyama sang the same lyrics from a certain song to his tangerine everyday, hoping he would one of these days wake up.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away."

Kageyama sang that to Hinata everyday, it was their song. Kageyama had proposed to him on their graduation night and even though they didn't know how to, they danced together to that song. Hinata had vibrant orange hair and soft skin then, also very healthy. Now, Hinata was in a hospital with machines hooked up to him, his orange hair was dull and he looked pale. Kageyama wasn't looking too good either. He had completely given up on volleyball after Hinata was put into the hospital. He was eating less than usual, he wouldn't even say yes to meatbuns. He was also looking a bit pale, he wasn't sleeping properly. Even Oikawa, someone who didn't like Kageyama very much, was worried about him.

Kageyama's POV

'Day 997: He still isn't awake, no movements or anything yet. It's nearing three years since the accident. Akane and Akihiko are supposed to visit today, but I don't want them to see me in the state me or Shoyo are in. Kuroo and Kenma have been doing a good job at taking care of them when I can't. They're six years old now, they're getting old enough to realize when something's wrong with someone, especially their parents. The doctors are telling me that Shoyo won't wake up still, it's annoying. He will wake up, he will. He's strong, he will wake up soon. I sang to him again, I sang our song to him. He loves that song, it was the song we danced to the night I proposed to him. Nothing much has happened today, so I think I'll just end it here.'

I sat in the chair next to Shoyo's bed, holding his hand. Sometimes I thought he was squeezing my hand and saying something, but it was all in my head. Suga was there one of the times watching, he said that Shoyo didn't do anything. Oikawa visited one of the times, he said that I wasn't looking good and that I should go home to Akane and Akihiko, but I didn't say anything. What happened to Shoyo, he didn't deserve. He saw a kid walking across the street, a drunk driver headed right towards her. He pushed the girl out of the way, the car then hit him instead. He broke his leg, arm, spine, and a few ribs. He was also put into a coma, one that he most likely wouldn't wake up from, but I had hope, I still do have hope. He will make it, he never gives up.

No One's POV

The two kids run in with Kenma and Kuroo following behind them. Akane had orange hair, like Hinata, but it was styled like Kageyama's. She also acted very much like him. Akihiko had Kageyama's hair color, but his hair was styled like Hinata's and he acted like him. The twins were very different, but were two peas in a pod. They ran up to Kageyama and hugged him tightly, with him hugging back with one arm, still holding Hinata's hand with the other.

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