2 days-

168 1 0

literally 2 days-


now its at over 500 reads

im so so so so so grateful 😭😭

you guys reading this oneshot book and it having over 500 reads tells me that my writing isn't entirely trash

since i was little, i always wanted to be an author, but i kinda stopped because i didn't think there would be anyway for people to see and read my work. now i have that chance on here and it made me so happy.

i'm going to be completely honest with you guys. when i saw wattpad for the first time on the google play store, i looked at it, downloaded it, and read stuff on there. i didn't think at first people would see my work, but i gave it a try anyways. and to my surprise, people did read my work, and i was so thrilled and i cried. but i lost that account, but i'm going to try to get back into it today and make it my backup account just in case i lose this one. when i created this account, i just read stuff at first, just like my old account. then i started writing stuff and people actually started reading it and again, i was thrilled. this book is my most popular book by far having over 500 reads on it. so again, thank you guys so much for reading all of my work, it means a lot to me.

Angst Haikyuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now