a/n bc i have news and stuff like that

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hi guys, its the author. thank you sm for over 100 reads on this book!! ik it isn't a ton, but i'm extremely grateful for that.

also, i have an 80 in biology now and i cried about it because i was so happy that i'm now passing that class. there are some other classes that i'm working on getting my grades up in, but i have been really trying hard and they've been getting up. slowly but surely, they are going up and it makes me really happy that they are.

it's my mom's birthday next week on friday and i want to surprise her with a cat or kitten since we put our old cat down on new years eve. i have to talk to my stepdad about it still and i'm hoping that he says yes because i know my mom would be super happy about getting a cat.

if anyone wants to help me with us history or algebra 2 work, that would be really great because those classes are the classes i'm struggling the most in. my english grade, i can get up easily. my biology grade is ok for right now. if anyone can help, dm me on instagram (username is the same as on here) and help me please. i will be so so so so so grateful for any help i can get.

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