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Quick note: If any two questions are identical I have grouped them together and considered them one question.

Let's get straight to it: 

1. Do you have any prewriting rituals?

- Step one, tea. I am half English so I tend to drink tea like water. And usually if I'm awake by 8am, by 9 I  have an espresso courtesy of my Italian half. Step two; Find music. If it's a chapter like the airport one I will find a song and have it play on repeat either on spotify or youtube whilst I write the chapter. If not, then I listen to 8 hour long rain recordings. After that i usually go over the notes for the chapter before i even start writing.

2. What's some advice you'd be willing to give to someone who's been wanting to get into being an author for awhile but doesn't know quite where to start? 

-Write your ideas down. Open a word doc or keep a note book and write each individual idea down separately. If the idea is a scene, write down all you can think about it. Describe how the character looks in your head, doesn't matter if it is gibberish, the more crap you write the more your brain will expand on what your writing. Most of my stories have come from single ideas. If you really want to pursue writing, set aside a time during your day to expand on your ideas. But it shouldn't feel like a chore. Parts of the writing process can be tedious, but the overall experience shouldn't feel like a job. For me writing is something I have to do just as much as I want to do.

3. Will Hoseok eventually end up being someone Jane will also build a strong connection with in a relationship perspective? (reader is Hobi biased😊)

- Yes

4.Since Jane has now seven tether connections and we saw bits of her past with individual connections to the boys, is it possible that they (the 7 boys or even Jane included like in the Greek mythology) have once been one and due to an accident where torn apart?  

- Can't answer this Spoilers.

5. It's obvious that Jane has been through a lot in her life, both physically and emotionally. Is there any chance we will get another perspective on her during those hardships? Perhaps through Liz, Jane's parents, or even the other Jane?

- The likely candidate for providing information on that period of Jane's life would be Liz or Jane herself. Jane seems like the type who kept a journal😈. You'll have to wait and see.

6. All of the members are moving at a different pace, in terms of getting to know Jane. Is her response to each soulmate's way of furthering their relationship based on simply respecting their boundaries, or is it because she can feel what they need/want through the bond? Maybe a bit of both.

- With certain members the progress is definitely them respecting Jane's boundaries. With Jane she is pacing herself. She is drawn to different members for different reasons. At least that is how I want it to come across. Other times it's just who appears in the scene in my head based on the characters themselves.

7. I was wondering if there was a reason that all of the staff on the trip are not informed of their soulmate status? I was thinking that they (just like all of those who do know) could sign the necessary paperwork and be sworn to secrecy. That way Jane wouldn't have to suffer through avoiding her soulmates, especially when she is in pain. 

- Everything happened so fast that holding a big meeting to inform personel was too short notice. And honestly... Angst. I wanted to draw out the process, and I have scenes in my head that can't occur if all the staff are aware of her relationship with the boys.

8. I was wondering what it is that motivates you to write this story and pushes you to chose the themes/topics you do? And I mean that in terms of possible personal experience, observing friends/family/loved ones, other media, Bangtan themselves, or anything else?

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