Question Time

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Youtube video by K-Countdown


Since I'm such a 😈 author making you guys wait a month between each chapter I thought I'd create another participation event.

I had so much fun reading your suggestions for the Airport Chapter and helping me decide on millenial slang for a tether connection, I thought I would give you guys the chance to ask me questions this time.

Like Jane and Namjoon.😍

You can ask me questions about anything story related, about my writing process, the media, random questions about the characters, anything BTS related, I'll even talk about myself if your questions a polite...maybe.😎

If I get 20 Questions, I will post the answers at the beginning of the next chapter.

If I get more then 20, I will post my 20 favourites and I will reveal 2 clues that hint at something that will happen in the story ahead.


Want more?😏

40 questions and I will reveal 2 more hints.

Write in your Question here 》》》

Add your Wattpad name and questions numbered 1.2.3. etc if you have more then one.

My favourite question; the wattpader will get a chapter dedicated to them.

If it is really good, along with the dedication I might even use it as a chapter title, you may even hear a character say your words.😮

I will only answer a question if you provide the 5 letter password.
Password: Spell the title using only the first letters of this story's title.
Clue: its also the name of a BTS song.
Edit: I should say it spells a word sung in english in a BTS song with a french title.😅

If you write in a question correctly- I will take it as you giving me permission to post the questions in a chapter with your name attached.

This chapter will be open until March 18 2021.

Have fun.


Ps. I always lose to those videos.

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