Chapter 8

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Happy slap day guys!!!


Next morning Mishti woke up at her daily time.

She did her work silently. She made breakfast and lunch for him. When he got up he didn't even speak any word.

He also did his daily chores and left.

After he went Mishti had her lunch, washed clothes and utensils.

And then she started to pack her bags

Her eyes were wet while she was packing her bags. She kept on murmuring ' baby I will give you a bright future. I won't let you suffer such things.'

She thought to leave a letter but then she knew it was of no use. Person like Aakash will never understand anything.

She was aware with the fact that if she left behind her Aakash will say bad things about her character.

He will never accept his own mistake.

He will blame her only. She knew if she returns to this place people here will look at her with different eyes.

So she made a mental note to never revisit this place.

She just took one bag with her, as she shouldn't carry heavy things during pregnancy.

She did all house old works, she also made dinner for Aakash. She packed some food for herself.

Covering her face with scarf she went out of the house.

Everyone was busy in their work but still a women asked her

"Kaha jaa rhi ho Mishti? Bag le kr?"

Mishti was perplexed by her sudden question, she was thinking about what to answer when the other lady said

"Kaha jayegi apne maaeke jaa rhi hogi hai na Mishti?"

Mishti just nodded her head in yes.

She left from thier without saying anything.

Taking rickshaw she reached railway station.

Now the question was she didn't knew anything what to do further.

Asking the chaprassi near by she went to ticket counter, showing the message of ticket which Kuhu sent her she got a printed ticket from the ticket counter.

She didn't knew anything about which platform which train so she asked everything to the man sitting at ticket counter, completing his duty he guided Mishti the right way.

Mishti was sitting on the platform waiting for her train.

She was before time. She called Kuhu once and told her about her being on railway station.

Her hope and trust was crushed brutally.

She believed that her husband will change, but nothing happened like that.

She was only deceived and insulted badly.

She made a firm decision to teach all good values to her child.

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