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I felt something on my forehead and a strong scent of men perfume so i slowly opened my yes to find out jungkook sitting right next to me "HI " he slowly said i get up so there is a safe distance between us "I THOUGHT YOU FOOLED ME " i said while rubbing my eyes becuz it was 4 am in the morning "I WAS BUSSY AND ALSO I WANTED YOU TO THINK ON THAT STATEMENT " i looked at him he was all dressed up in black like he was coming from somewhere "ABOUT THAT I FIGURE THAT OUT " he raised his eyebrows in surprise "WHEN ?" "RIGHT ON THAT DAY STILL U MADE ME WAIT FOR TWO DAYS " he was super confuse "SO DO U HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME" say something but what? i nodded in a no "NO , OK THEN WOULD YOU MIND TELLING ME WHAT YOU FIGURE OUT " i took a deep breath "ACTUALLY FROM THE SELFLESS SHADOW YOU MEANT I AND FROM COLD MORNING YOU MEANT THIS PLACE " silence for two minutes and then he started laughing "Y/N YOU MESSED IT UP" did i "WHY?" i questioned "TELL ME HONESTLY DO U THINK U ARE LIKE A SELFLESS SHADOW BECAUSE I DONT THINK " he said while laughing , how dare he "YES I MEAN NO NOT COMPLETELY" "YOU REALLY THOUGHT I WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU" i looked at him confusedly and was embaressed on my answer , time to cover this up "YOU TELL ME THAT WHAT U MEANT FROM THAT WHO IS THAT SELFLESS SHADOW " i said arrogantly "SHADOWS ARE ALWAYS SELFLESS" he said with a small smile with sadness in his tone "THINK ABOUT SOMEONE IN YOUR LIFE WHO DID'NTT REALLY HAVE A PROPER INTRODUCTION WITH YOU BUT WAS STILL THERE ,MAYBE FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME " i was over done with all of this "I DONT KNOW " i said loudly "THINK ABOUT IT PLEASE " he said i focused on my past is he related to my past "IS OUR PAST CONNCTED " he didn't say anything just stare at me "YOU KEEP ON SAYING TO FOCUS ON PAST WERE U THERE SOMEWHERE BUT I HAVE NEVER MET YOU BEFORE " he run his hand through his hair just tell i am near it "YOU REALLY WANNA KNOW " "OFCOURSE " i said "THEN COME WITH ME " "WHERE " i asked "JUST BE QUITE FOR SOME TIME YOU WILL GET ALL YOUR ANSWERS" i obeyed him do i have any other option . We exited the room and went outside to to the main exit door there were his mans standing he asked them to give him car keys "BOSS DO WE ALSO HAVE TO COME" "NO NEED " he said in a serious tone and then signaled me to sit in car its been so long since i saw sky it was about to be morning sun was rising he start driving , we are alone if he didn't give me a valid or even if he give me i will never get a golden chance like this again and there is no way i am going to waste this

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