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The weekend came quick.

It was Saturday night and my room was empty. Cole was playing football with some of the boys, Jay was doing some nerd shit with Zane and Kai...

Well Kai left so he didn't have to be alone with me. He hasn't talked to me since the day in the courtyard.

As I laid in my bed looking at the bottom of Cole's mattress, I was currently going through the 7 stages of grief.

I'm currently in the depression stage: the person I like is acting as if I'm a freak of nature.

The door opened and I lifted my head to see Nao standing in the doorway just...looking at me.

With a creepy ass smile on her face too.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "May I help you?"

She said nothing and closed the door, walking over to my bed. She moved to sit at the foot of the bed without giving me a chance to move my feet, and sat on my fucking ankles.

I winced in pain and jerked my feet towards the wall, removing them from under her.

"So you're just gonna walk in here and break my ankles, got it." I groaned as I rubbed my ankles, which only amused her more.

"Why are you in here by yourself?" She asked calmly.

"Why do you care?" I retorted, moving up to a sitting position.

Her smile disappeared as soon as the words left my mouth and I felt a small pang of fear move through my body as all emotion left her eyes and she glared at me.

She closed her eyes and the creepy smile formed on her face again. "I'm going to pretend like you weren't being an ass." She opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows, urging me to answer her question.

"I just wanted to be alone." I muttered, looking at the floor to avoid her creepy eyes.

"Well, Zai sent me to come kidnap you so get dressed in something nice." She stood up and yanked my blanket off of me, throwing it on Jay's bed. "I'll be outside waiting." She said before leaving the room.

Groaning, I pulled myself out of bed and walked towards the closet to grab some clothes.

Having friends is nice, but having to socialize is a pain in the ass.

I looked around at my small range of options and I grabbed a green hoodie, some jeans, and some white sneakers.

She said to dress nice; this is as nice as it's gonna get.

I smoothed my hair back with my hands and checked my appearance in the reflection of my phone.

Good enough.

I opened the door to an impatient Nao tapping her foot on the floor.

"Let's go Goldilocks." She started walking down the hallway.

I see Zai's nickname is catching on.

I followed Nao to the parking lot behind the courtyard. It was fairly empty except for a few vehicles.

Nao grabbed my wrist and quickly darted behind a truck, pulling me with her. I looked at her with wide eyes for her sudden action. She held her finger up to her lips, telling me to keep my mouth shut.

The sound of footsteps approached us, along with chatter. Two security guards walked past the truck we were using as cover. Once they were far enough away, Nao got up from her crouching position and motioned for me to follow her.

We quickly- but quietly -moved through the parking lot to a fence at the very back. Zai, Cole, and Miz were waiting on the opposite side of the fence.

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