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After putting on my black sneakers- which I don't know if we're allowed to wear -I slipped the dreadful vest over my button up shirt and looked in the bathroom mirror.

A groan left my lips as soon as I caught a glimpse of myself.

"You've got to be fucking with me." I muttered as I fixed my clothes.

I felt like a complete dork. Wearing a sweater vest might not seem like a big deal to most people but to me, it was excruciatingly painful.

I was so ready to shove myself into a locker or put my own head into the toilet.

It was such a preppy outfit too, one for boys who go to private schools not one who vandalises his own. It was so uncomfortable to see myself in the outfit, I wanted to throw up.

I grabbed my phone from the counter and shoved my schedule in my back pocket before leaving the bathroom. After I came back to my room from Wu's office- when I was done arguing with him about the uniform -the guys were all dressed and told me to meet them in the cafeteria. I don't consider them to be my friends just yet, but eating breakfast with them might not be so bad.

I exited the boys dorm and made my way to the main building where the cafeteria was.

When I walked in, I spotted my roommates at the table against the wall where they brought me yesterday. They were sitting with Zane, Zai, Miz and Cole's sister- whose name I forgot.

"Lloyd!" Jay yelled when he saw me standing at the door. A few people stared at me as I made my way over to the table.

I stuck my middle finger out at them because I hate being stared at.

"We got you food." Zane said and slid a tray of pancakes with a carton of orange juice to me.

"Thanks." I mumbled and sat down next to Kai.

He didn't say anything to me.

On one side of the table was Cole's sister, Zane, Kai and me. On the other side- against the wall -was Zai sitting on Cole's lap with Miz and Jay next to them.

Cole's sister was sitting next to Zane with her head on his shoulder so I have a feeling they are together.

They were all talking about some show called Riverdale while I poured syrup on the pancakes in front of me and took a bite.

Surprisingly pretty good for prison food.

Kai was the only one not in the conversation. He acts so strange when I'm around. I thought it was because of last night but he was acting weird when we came back from the cafeteria yesterday.

What the hell is his problem?

Everyone was quiet for a second as they ate. Which was time for me to do the unthinkable.


"So how'd you guys end up here?" I asked.

Cole spoke up first, "Me and Kai went to North Ninjago High and flipped the courtyard tables, spray painted dicks...everywhere and poured oil in the school pool."

Oil in the pool, why did I never think of that?

"It was either Darkleys or jail." Kai laughed.

"I made my teachers cupcakes and... accidentally mistook chocolate laxatives for Hershey's." Zane shrugged.

"You gave your teachers the shits?" I asked, laughing.

He took a sip of his juice. "My math teachers gave me an F on a homework assignment and my world history teacher...she was just annoying."

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