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I'm sorry its so long...Pause.


"Are you excited about your first day, Lloyd?" The headmaster, also known as my uncle Wu asked me as I stared angrily at him.

"Are you excited about your first day, Lloyd?" The headmaster, also known as my uncle Wu asked me as I stared angrily at him

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Next to me, my father cleared his throat. "Lloyd..."

I looked at him out the corner of my eye. He was giving me a look that said "Say something before you regret it."

"I can't wait, uncle." I said in a dead tone.

My father and Wu exchanged before turning their attention back to me.

"I think Lloyd is ready to go to his room and meet his new friends." Wu said to my father, taking out a piece of paper that I guessed was my schedule.

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at him confused. "Wait, friends? 1: I thought we had our own rooms. 2: People aggravate me."

I only have two friends...mostly because they're the only people I can tolerate. And now I have to share a room with other people for the next few weeks.

Did I say the next few weeks were going be hell? I'd like to correct that. Hell would be a better place to be than here.

"Well we had to make...adjustments since the girls came here, but--"

"There's girls here too?!" I cleared my throat after realized how loud I yelled. "Call me crazy, but the sign out front says for 'Bad Boys' not 'Boys and Girls'."

I don't even want to be around boys, but now I gotta tolerate girls too? This trip was getting worse and worse.

"We made some changes to the school so now there's boys and girls." My uncle handed me the piece of paper. "You should go settle into your room."

I took the paper from him- well I snatched it out of his hand -muttered bye to my dad and left without another word.

I stared at the door of the room I would be spending the next few weeks in, contemplating whether to go inside or not.

Maybe I can sneak out window and live behind Master Chen's Noodle House. That option is very tempting, but Wu would obviously noticed I was missing.

I took a deep breath- I'll need it so I won't kill anyone -and opened the door.

Inside were two bunk beds on opposite sides of a window and a dresser with a TV on it right next to the door. There were three guys inside- one on the bottom bunk of one bed playing a game on his iPad, one on the top bunk watching TV and the other one in the window sill texting.

"Hey! Do you mind?" The one sitting in the window glared at me. He was kinda buff with raven black hair, thick eyebrows and an attitude that I didn't like.

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