f o u r

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What...just happened?

I meant to come in here to pee, not to knock Kai down and get a front row seat on the unboxing of his dick.

I literally almost pissed myself.

Not to mention I was staring, he probably thinks I liked the view. Less than 24 hours and I've managed to embarrass myself and see another guy's junk. I hoped to be here at least a week before I made a fool of myself.

I was still standing in the same spot when I heard Jay walked in, laughing.

I knew it was him because he's loud as hell.

"Wha--" he started laughing again,"What did you do Kai? He ran in looking like a tomato."

I decided to play it off cool like nothing happened. I knew Kai wouldn't tell anyone because they'd get the wrong idea, so I was gonna do the same.

Turning around, Jay still had a goofy grin on his face. He was still laughing but trying his best to control it.

"I didn't do anything, he ran past me as soon as I walked in." I lied, shrugging my shoulders. "I just had to pee."

He didn't say anything as I walked over to the stalls that we're right next to the sinks and in front of the showers. The bathroom walls and mirrors were covered in graffiti.

It looked like an alley and smelled like something or someone died.

I closed the door behind me, hearing the sound of Jay's footsteps as he left back to our room.

I left out a sigh of relief, turning around let out the long pee I've been holding in, only to see someone didn't flush after taking a shit in the toilet.



The loud ringing of a bell woke me up from my sleep. After I had came back from the bathroom, Kai didn't say anything to me.

Zai stayed past the 10 o'clock curfew- which is stupid as hell -keeping me up all night with her and Cole's chatter.

When she finally left- out the window -and I managed to drift off, Jay started talking in his sleep. So basically, my night was terrible.

I opened my eyes, only to shut them closed after being blinded by the sunlight coming through the window. I opened them again, into little slits so they could adjust.

Maybe if I was blind, my parents would allow me to leave.

Probably not.

Cole was the first one to get up, he hopped down from his bed with a pillow in his hand.

He smacked Kai with it even tho it did nothing because the spiky haired boy still laid sound asleep. Cole hit him with the pillow again and this time, Kai woke up.

"What the hell Cole?" Was the first thing he said as he sat up and ran his hand through his hair.

He slept shirtless but when he saw I was looking, he pulled the covers up to hide his body.

Seriously, what's this dude's problem? I mean yeah, I hit him with a door and saw his shlong but...okay I see it.

Cole threw the pillow back onto his bed and went to wake Jay.

He pinched Jay's nose closed to keep him from breathing and after a few seconds, he jumped up screaming that he was drowning.

"Cole I told you to stop doing that, you dick!" He yelled, pushing Cole onto the floor.

"Hey, I had to wake you up." Cole said.

"Then do it like a normal person." Kai suggested.

I joined the rest of them and sat up, hitting my head on the bottom of the top bunk and letting out a cry of pain which sounding like a gorilla's mating call.

Yea, I didn't need a forehead anyway.

And the only thing I would attract with that sound is Donkey Kong.

Jay told me they woke everyone up an hour before class started so everyone had the same amount of time to get ready and if we wanted to eat breakfast, we had to to get it done within the 60 minutes.

"That's stupid as hell." I replied, getting up onto my feet, rubbing my forehead.

"The old administers didn't care but when the new principal and vice principal took over, the school became more strict." Kai explained.

"So eat or starve." Cole added. "Tick Tock"

Jay and Cole left to shower- separately I hope -leaving me alone with Kai.

He was holding this phone, pretending to text someone but I knew it was to avoid talking to me.

I cleared my throat to talk. "About last night--"

"It's fine. It was an accident." He muttered, tossing his phone into Jay's bed. "You better go get your uniform."

I nodded as he opened the second dresser drawer and pulls out his own outfit.

I left before things got even more awkward.

I was so lost while I looked for the principal's office. I accidentally went into a janitor's closet and I thought I went to Narnia.

But then I realized I was still in hell.

3 teachers stopped me to accuse me of skipping. I was 2 seconds away from kicking their teeth in, but I remembered they were females and I would get arrested.

They got lucky.

"How was your first day?" My uncle asked as soon as I walked into his office.


"How are your roommates?"

I rolled my eyes. If he was just gonna question me, I shouldn't have came in here.

"Alive. Look, can I just have my uniform?" I groaned, leaving against the door frame.

"Yes you can." He pointed over to a filing cabinet beside him where a tan, blue and white uniform laid folded and continued back to whatever the hell he was doing.

I left without another word. I unfolded the clothes, seeing khaki pants, a white button up shirt and a blue and white plaid sweater vest.

If they thought I was gonna wear a fucking sweater vest, they had another thing coming.

I know I haven't updated this in so long but I'm back !! I hope you guys liked it, please hit that star at the bottom and I love you all ❤❤ bYE ✌

No I was not pranking you guys, for some reason the chapter didn't show, my apologies. Hopefully it does this time but tell me if it doesn't.

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