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It's been almost two hours since I've been here. I spent the last hour in the room putting away my stuff and playing video games with Kai and Jay. (Threesome? ;)...I'll leave)

Jay said Cole went somewhere with his girlfriend so I guess these two wanted to bond or some crap like that.

I don't really like socializing but they didn't make me want to murder them in their sleep so I'll suck it up.

Kai had been quiet since we left our little tour except for comments here and there, mostly sarcastic remarks at Jay and profanities at his losing streak. He kept looking at me like I was attempting to kill him.

He's hiding something and I don't know what it is, but I have the few weeks to find out.

Maybe he has a third nipple or a weird shaped birthmark in a weird place.

Why am I thinking about his body?

But neither of those things are that bad to hide... it's something way worse... or that he thinks is worse.

I freaking hate nosy people yet here I am, all up in his business... I'd punch myself in the face.

But they'll think I'm insane if I randomly punch myself so I'll just do it mentally.

There was an knock at the door. Kai groaned, keeping his eyes focused on the TV, "If you're a girl go away, if you're a guy come in."

That's quite a greeting.

The door opened and in walked a slightly pale guy with beach blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Zane! Good you're here, now we can do two on two. " Jay said, pausing the game- to Kai's displeasure.

"You must be the new kid." Zane said, looking over at me with a smile. "I'm Zane."

I rolled my eyes.

I despise being called 'New kid'. NEWSFLASH: I have a name. I swear if one more person says "You're the new kid" or "Hey new kid" or "newbie" I will punch someone's teeth out.

But Zane seemed nice so I'll let it slide. I'm here two hours and I'm already becoming soft...dammit.

I smiled. "I'm Lloyd."

"He's our new roommate and his dad is Lord Garmadon, so beware." Jay whispered the part after 'and' but I still heard him.

He's a terrible whisperer.

Zane picked up a controller from the dresser and sat down next to me- not before asking if it was okay.

Either he wants to be on my good side because of who my dad is or he's usually this nice.

If it was the latter, then how did he end up in here?


I looked up at the voice calling my name. Kai rolled his eyes. "Are you playing or not?"

"Uh... Y-yea sure." I got up to grab the last controller from the dresser only to turn around and see Jay sitting next to Zane.

"You're on Kai's team." Jay said, bouncing on my bed with a goofy smile on his face.

I looked over at Kai to see him immediately avert his gaze.

What's up with him? Early he was charming and all up in my face and now he's an introvert.

Did I call him charming?

I let out a little sigh, sitting down next to Kai who tensed up right away. He cleared his throat and scooted in the other direction.

While Jay restarted the game, Cole came walking through the door with his blue haired girlfriend, both stopping right in the doorframe.

"What is this, a party?" Cole retorted.

"What party has only four people?" Kai asked, narrowing his eyes at Cole.

The dark haired boy shrugged. "A sad one...Jay's type of party."

"Thanks." Jay said in a deadpan tone.

Cole walked to his bed, moving in front of the TV causing Jay to yell out "MOVE" and hit the boy's leg.

Zai stayed by the door, looking at me as if she was staring into my soul. She spoke up. "Hey aren't you-"

"I swear if you say 'new kid' I will punch you, whether you're a girl or not." I warned.

Jay stopped setting up the game and looked at me along with Zane and Kai. They looked scared for my life while Cole looked as if he was about to end it.

"--...I was going to say Lloyd." Zai finished. "And if you lay a hand on me, you'll lose it."

Well Jay warned me not to piss her off and...I failed. I don't know whether to take her seriously or not, she has blue hair! She looks like the Twitter logo in a flannel and ripped jeans.

She also has a scar on her left eye. Maybe she tried to shank a bitch and cut herself...that's the coolest way to get stuck in here.

She closed the door and went to go sit with Cole. Jay screamed at her to move too but she smacked the back of his head.

As soon as she climbed onto the bed with Cole, Kai whined, "Please don't make out while we're in here."

Well this should be interesting.

Since it was Sunday, we had class the next day and Kai warned me to go get my uniform the next morning or I'll get in trouble.

Not that I care.

I should be happy because we get to wear whatever we want on the weekends, but Wu did not tell me I had to wear a freaking uniform.

I wonder if I can avoid this by jumping out the window. I'd probably die...but I wouldn't have to wear a sweater vest.

It was like 10 pm and we were all in bed. Except Kai, I don't know where he was. I slid out of bed to go use the bathroom, getting lost a few times and going into random guys' rooms until I found the door with the boy's sign on it.

Nice going Lloyd.

I let out a yawn as I opened the door, immediately hitting something or someone. I panicked, looking down at Kai who laid shirtless on the floor in a towel, clutching his head.

"Dude, what the hell!" He groaned.

"Kai I'm really so--" my eyes widened as his towel let loose revealing a rather...large yet private matter.

He scurried to his feet, clutching the towel around his waist, his face burning red.

We stared at each other like deer caught in the headlights, my mouth open yet nothing coming out. He pushed past me without saying anything and I stood there in shock until I heard the sound of a door slamming.

You know how in movies when the new kid fucks up on the first day?

This is that moment.


Ooh, Lucky Lloyd ;)

Hope you guys liked it! Hit that star at the bottom to make my day, I'd really appreciate it.

I love you guys so much. Bye! <3
P.s: I am the Potato Queen :3

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