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Lloyd this whole chapter ^


Something that I had been doing perfectly for years, all of a sudden became a foreign action.

My legs felt like they were gonna give out any second and the way I started sweating...every-damn-where would probably make my doctor concerned.

I want you.

His words kept replaying in my mind and it was driving me crazy.

"Y-you want me... to what?" I nervously whispered.

Why did I just say that dumb shit? You know, if he just punched me right now for saying something so stupid, I wouldn't blame him.

Kai laughed softly. "You look a little nervous." He whispered the last part, which gave me goosebumps all over my body and sent a chill down my spine.

Nervous is an understatement. My stomach was currently where my ass was and I'm sure that is- anatomically -not supposed to be there.

When I didn't say anything- because I was too busy drooling over him, he grinned and looked me up and down before winking and walking out of the kitchen.

Leaving me paralyzed with shock.

I couldn't tell if he was flirting with me or messing with me.


The bell ringing signaled the end of classes for the day and I was beyond happy to run out of the classroom.

As I pushed past the flock of idiots who walk slow in the hallways, I felt a gentle nudge on my shoulder.

"Garmadon." I turned to the right to see Kai walking next to me. My lips turned up into a smile.

"You know, you calling me Garmadon makes me feel like my dad."

"But it's more catchy than Lloyd." He shrugged. "Follow me."

I followed him upstairs to the third floor, which was mainly used for storage.

Kai brought me to one of the doors and looked around the hall just in case before opening the door and stepping inside. I followed him inside the dark room. I heard Kai shuffling around in the darkness before a light flicked on.

He opened his arms to gesture around the room. "Welcome to my secret hideout."

There were lots of boxes scattered around the floor as well as spiderwebs and spiders to keep Kai company.

"Why'd you bring me here?"

"I wanted to show you my hiding place." Kai sat his bag down against the wall and took a seat on one of the boxes. "Is that so wrong?"

I put my bag down next to his and moved a box next to him for me to sit on. "It's suspicious. If you're going to kill me, I'd prefer to die anywhere but here."

A laugh erupted from Kai as he shook his head.

My lips involuntarily pulled upwards into a smile. The sound of his laugh was hypnotizing.

I noticed that he had his sweater vest on for once, he usually takes it off as soon as classes are done for the day.

It looks good on him.

Once his laugh died down, Kai got quiet before asking, "Did I freak you out Saturday night at Nao's house?"

Of course not, you just made me sweat like I ran a marathon and then left me confused for the rest of the night.

It actually really did freak me out, but I wasn't gonna admit that to him.

Or anyone.

When I didn't say anything, he turned his body to face me. He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his legs and raised his eyebrows, silently waiting for an answer.

"You didn't, I was just caught off guard. I didn't know you liked me." I looked down at the floor.

"What's there not to like?"

He's so weird. He went from acting like I had the plague to flirting with me and it gave me whiplash.

I furrowed my brows as I looked up at him. "If you feel that way then why were you acting weird around me since I got here?"

Kai leaned up from his position. "You made me nervous. I'm usually calm, cool, collected-"

"Cocky." I chimed in.

He grinned. "A little. So when a cute blonde boy shows up and starts stirring up my head...that's a problem."

I bit my lip to fight the smile trying to peek through. I could feel my cheeks getting red and I turned away to prevent him from seeing me blush.

Kai gently gripped my chin and turned my head to face him. His devilish smirk turned my insides to mush and his touch made my face hot.

He's so fine it hurts.

I quickly jumped to my feet and moved across the room so damn fast, I probably teleported. "Okay sir, you need to stop doing that."

Kai smiled amusingly, leaning his elbows on his knees again. He cocked his head to the side, "What exactly am I doing, Garmadon?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Being...charming."

"Look," Kai stood up. "I can tell by the way that you check me out when you think I'm not looking..." He took two steps towards me, "But I am..." He took two more steps, "I know you like me." He took two more steps until he was standing right in front of me. "I like you, and I want to take you out." A smile graced his lips after he finished.

"Take me out like in a date way or in an assassin way?" I asked.

Kai let out a laugh as he shook his head, yet again, at the stupid stuff that leaves my mouth. "You...are a pain in the ass, you know that?"

"You make me nervous. I'm usually calm, cool, collected..." I mocked him.

Kai took a deep breath and with a big smile on his face, holding back laughter, he grabbed my hand. "Lloyd, can I please take you on a date?"

"Okay." My mouth quickly agreed before my mind had time to catch up.

Kai's smile got bigger. "Saturday at 6?"

"Okay." Once again, my subconscious answered for me.

I was mentally whooping my own ass. The voice in the back of my mind was taking charge of my love life and I was not okay with that.

Romance is new to me and to be honest, scary territory.

I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed out of the room before Kai asked another question. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I stopped for a second to let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

I heard Kai whisper-shout, "Yes!" from inside the room and I couldn't help the smile forming on my face.

I guess he really does like me.


get ready for Pride Month updates because it'll be a hate crime if I don't. This is my first Pride and I'm so excited to be living my best life but I can't go to a mf parade bc of covid >:(

antyways, it would be very sexc of you to vote and comment so I know you liked the chapter :)

Thank you for reading!!


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