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Aspen POV:

6 Years Later

I sat in waiting. Not for battle. Not for my friends. No! This was much better. Serafina had used her influence, as the King and Queen Dragons' daughter, to get Iris's, Eli's, Cade's, Lazaro's, and my family admitted into Beliu for this special day. I couldn't mask my excitement. This was going to be amazing! As I waited, I reflected upon the years between the victory and today.

Soon after Octinia gained peace, Tura was restored. The Pegacorns, Unicorns, and Pegasi thanked us by returning it to it's former glory. Cade and I took a trip there to visit our families and see the good work of our allies. For once, my mother was proud of me; she was happy I had done something worthwhile for this kingdom. Cade's parents were so glad to see he was okay and were shocked when he told them he was a Viy.

After they fixed Tura back up, the Phoenixes made the volcanos of Dis vanish, pushing them back into the Earth. The Nature Dragons, Unicorns, Pegasi, and Pegacorns teamed up to regrow Relo. The flora and fauna revitalized the wasteland. The river from Sci once again flowed, bringing refreshment to the parched soil. After our detour to Tura, our friends joined us to see Relo.

It was a splitting image of Beliu, but smaller. It had the same rolling hills covered by deciduous trees. The meadows were all covered with waving grasses and beautiful flowers. Elves recolonized their former farms, trading posts, and hunting spots. They were thrilled to return to their home. We sought out Axel, who was the only Phoenix that stayed in Relo, and found him with Serenity, but not in the place we would expect him.

When we walked into their Hiji, we found Axel sitting on the king's throne and Serenity on the queen's.

"Are you two in love?" I gasped. Serenity giggled as she stretched out her hoof for Axel to take with his wing. He nodded and smiled at us. That was so sweet! Although their parents had been worst enemies, their love knocked down all the barricades and flourished through the trials.

"How will you have an heir?" Serafina questioned. She was right. Their species were not like Unicorns and Pegasi, which are very simuilar in genetic makeup. Phoenixes had nowhere near the same genetic makeup as Pegacorns.

"We've already discussed that!" Serenity chimed excitedly. "We have found the perfect solution! We will select a Pegacorn, boy or girl, that would serve Relo unconditionally. They will choose their king or queen." Once all of us returned to Beliu together, we relaxed and spent time together for the next year.

After that, Eli and Maya insisted we come to Del. We listened and spent a month on a deserted island off the coast of Del. we splashed around in the ocean, soaked up the sun, and flew to the mainland to meet his friends, family, and neighbors. They were all so interested in us and begged us to tell them our stories. We must have retold the burning of Tura and the battle story a hundred times. We spent a lot of time with the one and a half year old, Damon, who was able to say all of our names by the time we left. Eli's older sister, Ryssa, also spent a lot of time with us. She, Iris, and I became pretty close since we were around the same age. We even met the Duke of Del who showed his gratitude for our deeds by throwing a week long celebration in our honor. There were parades, feasts, and parties. Cade and I would dance the night away.

When we left our vacation in Del, we decided to spend some time in Fov. Cade's Amarok, Shadow, introduced us to his former pack. Eli trained a baby girl and named it Gwen. The rest of us decided not to get one; we already had Dragons after all. Blithe joined us halfway through our getaway and led us to his old tribe of elves. We met his friends, family, and neighbors. His mother and father had been Dragon Traders as well. He and his wife had a five year old daughter who wanted to carry on the family occupation. Her long red hair was perfectly straight like mine. It hung down to her toes and she often tripped on it. I taught her how to braid her hair like mine and she loved it. She was a quick learner.

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