Chapter 6

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After my first day at work was over I had michael come back over to my apartment and had him help ms set up my TV and couch. Halfway through setting up my couch we ordered a pizza and sat on the ground and watched a few episodes of Icarly then continued to set up the couch.

"Who knew that setting up a couch would be so god damn hard."

"Yeah this screw is being a real pain in the ass over here."

"Here want some help?" He asked slowly making his way over to me.

"I'll gladly take any hell I can get at this point. This is the first time I'm ever living alone and I decided to move out to a place where I know no one and have no family."

"Life can be complicated but you just have to roll with it some times," he said finally getti g the screw in.

"Yeah. Now get back over there and put the final screw in so I dont have to keep sitting on the floor," I said shoving him.

After he put the last screw in we lifted it up and pushed it over to where I wanted it. Ny the time we finished it was almost 10pm. I had to get some sleep because Richard had said that tomorrow he was gonna run me through some projects and give me a actual job unlike how it went today.

I collapse on the couch with a sign. Michael had gotten a drink from the kitchen and had made his way onto the couch and lifted my head onto his lap.

"I really need to get some sleep, it's been a pretty eventful day and I was told I have real work tomorrow."

"Yeah I understand, but that does mean that you have to get up, you cant fall asleep on my lap."

"But I'm to tired to walk."

"Uhhh fine, your really testing my muscles today I hope you know that pancakes," he said putting his drink down to stand up. After gently lifting my head off his lap, he carried my to my room and placed me under the covers. He brought me my phone, said goodnight, and left.


As my alarm went off I groaned and hit snooze. I wanted to sleep for at least 5 more months. Today I had work and tomorrow I had class. Which meant 2 different sleep schedules. I had classes everyotherday except the weekends off.

I jumped out of bed after my alarm went off a second time. After I grabbed some clothes I looked at my phoen and saw I had a text from Ahston.

From Australian bud:
Hey I'm stopping at starbucks before heading to the office you want anything?

To Australian bud:
Thanks but I thinks I'll pass I've had to much junk food lately and I think I'll just make some homemade coffee.

From Australian bud:
I already know your gonna regret that but okay

I went into the kitchen and put a K-cup in my keurig and put on some music. I went over to my almost empty pantry and grabbed some oatmeal and put it on the stove.

After making my breakfast to go I grabbed my keys and went to my car. I put on some of their older music and began my drive to work. After a short drive and a small bowl of oatmeal later I arrived. I was welcomed by Calum randomly singing in the hallway.

After saying my hello to him I made my way to my office. After I put my stuff down I logged onto my computer and saw I had an email from richard telling me to meet him in his office. I started to get worried.

I asked Calum where his office was and made my way down the never ending hallway. As I knocked on his door my heart started to beat faster and faster.

"Come in!"

"Hi I saw you needed me," I said a little nervous.

"Yes please sit down. No need to get nervous I just want to talk to you about how to work a few things."

"Okay, I do also have a question."

"Fire away," he said making me less nervous.

"So since they are still working on the album do I listen to the songs they have now and start thinking if ideas or what?"

"That's just the thing I called you in for. So since they are still working on the album I just need you to come up with designs hat has nothing to do with the albums. If you could make a poster or 2 that would be great too."

"Um yeah okay I can definitely try to do that," I said ideas starting to form in my head.

"Okay then I will let you get to it," he said gesturing to the door.

"Okay well thank you for clearing that up for me."

"Any time and if you need anything I'm just a call away, and if you need any pictures of the boys heres the number for the photographer so you guys can discuss the different poses you think will work great."

"Okay well thank you again," I said getting up. I got nervous for no reason which always makes me feel like a fool since people can normally tell when I get nervous.

When I got back to my office I got onto my computer and started to think of a few ideas and wrote them down. I opened my sketch book and began to sketch out a idea. After about and hour of drawing I thought I had a good idea of what I wanted it to look like, but I wanted a second opinion.


Hey guys I didnt want to make a really long chapter so this is gonna be continued on to the next one. I have been writing all day and have been so bored and it's only the first day of my weekend. I normally don't write story's so this is the first for me so yeah it might be cringey. Do people even read these?

The Dreadful TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora