Chapter 17

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I hated seeing Ava upset. After seeing her crying in the hall, I knew I had to do something to end this whole thing between me and Michael. We were best friends and I didn't want a girl to ruin our friendship. I didn't know what to do. I loved Ava, but I want Michael to be happy. If I could trick Michael into moving on from Ava, maybe all of us could be happy. He could find some other girl to obsess over while I make my move with Ava. The only problem with that is I'd have to find him another girl.

"It's a stupid plan I shouldn't do it," I thought to myself, "Why did I even think of it? I should just let Ava choose."

I finally got up to go to work. Stopping at Starbucks and getting a Latte. I thought about getting Ava a coffee, but I didn't want to look like I was pushing her to choose me. I also didn't want to push here into choosing someone in general. It's her choice, and she gets to choose if she even wants to pick one of us. 

I made my way into the office. So far it seemed me, Michael, and Calum were the only ones here, other than a few producers and whatnot. I walked in and found Calum first. WE talked for a while before Micahel joined us. I got up to use the bathroom and passed Ava's office. I saw someone had left her a gift basket. I'm not proud of it but I decided to snoop. I grabbed and candy bar from the basket knowing she wouldn't notice, and tried to find a card. I found it but all it said was Ava. I knew It must've been Michael.

"What are you doing?" Ava said walking in.

"Oh, um well I saw this on your desk and I thought I should check it out. You know, make sure there's no...bomb," I said stupidly.

"Wow, okay. There's no bomb is there?" she said picking up a candy bar.

"Nope, your all good," I said slowly backing out of the room.

Oh my god, that was awful. Checking for a bomb? What was I thinking? I should've taken the card before she had seen the basket. I'm such an idiot, I should just forget about all this. So what if she doesn't choose me? I'll find someone else, it's not the end of the world. Maybe I should try to win her over. If Michael is giving her gift baskets, I'll take her on a date. I'll make sure we know it's a date this time. Maybe I should ask if what we did the other night was a date or not. I can't think about that now, I should focus on work.


After recording some songs, we were done for the day. I managed to run out and catch Ava in the parking lot. Lucky for me she was sitting in her car on her phone. I went up and knocked on her window.

"Hey," I said getting in, "So about the other day. I don't mean for this to come off a certain way, but, was that a date? I'm totally okay if you say no. I understand. It didn't go as I planned, obviously, but I just wanted to clear some things up."

"You and Michael both," She said, "Um, I don't know. I enjoyed the first half, but the end not so much. I don't think I'm ready to date right now. With everything that's been going on, I think I need a break from all this," She said looking away.

"Oh um, okay, I feel stupid now, sorry."

"Oh no don't be. If anyone should be stupid it's me. I've got a great job, working with 4 idiots and I might get to date one of them. My life sounds amazing, it's just all the small details in between that messes it up. I like 2 of the guys and can't decide what to do."

"Yeah, that's one heck of a movie. I won't keep you waiting, I'll see you later."

We said our goodbyes and she was on her way. I went over to my car and processed everything. A lot had happened and I wasn't sure what all of it meant. I mean I didn't even get a straight answer about whether or not that was a date. I'm such a loser. 


When I got home from work, I put Michael's lovely basket on the table and grabbed some candy out. I flopped down on the couch and thought about everything. Maybe I was right? I do need a break. It had been a while since I had a day off to myself and could really use a break from the work drama. I could use my gross morning voice to call in sick to work tomorrow and go spend a day to myself. 

First I did want to spend some more time away from the office with someone. I hadn't really hung out with Michael since he stayed at my place. I called him up and thanked him for the basket and card. I asked if he wanted to come over and watch The Princess Bride and eat some fast food. He agreed and was at my place 25 minutes later with some McDonald's and 7/11 slushies. 

"I ordered pizza, so get ready to stuff yourself," I said welcoming him.

"Ava!! Save that for a 5th date!!" He said jokingly.

"Shut up Clifford and get in here."

We piled onto the couch and started on our dinner. As soon as we were done with McDonald's the pizza arrived. Luckily for me, Michael had a bottomless stomach and ate most of it by himself. We finished the movie, then decided to play some video games since we both weren't tired. 

"You're going down Pancakes!" he yelled at me.

"Stuff it, Clifford!" I teased back even though he was clearly going to beat me.

After a few more rounds and a couple of episodes of Friends and The Office, I fell asleep. Michael was used to me going to sleep pretty late and knew I was a deep sleeper. Since I had just fallen asleep I could feel him pick me up and try. not to hit my head on my door. I felt him take my phone out of my pocket and heard him plug it in. Before I heard him walk to the door I stopped him.

"Michael?" I said sleepily.

"Yeah?" heard him walk back over to me.

"Come here," I said reaching up and kissing him. Maybe it was because I was half asleep, but I did it. And I liked it.

"Woah," I heard him exclaim.

"Do you want to stay the night?"

"I don't think that's best," he said backing away.

"But what about my weighted blanket?" I said trying to be cute.

"Yeah, um okay."

He climbed into bed with me. I kissed him again. He kissed back. Did I choose right? I hope so. I think so. I started to feel myself drift back into sleep, said goodnight, then darkness.


The next morning I woke to see no Michael next to me. I was a little bummed but got up anyway. I made my call to work and went to get some coffee from my kitchen. On my counter was a note from Michael.

Hey, Not sure if you remember what you did last night, but I liked it. I had to go to work early but maybe I can swing back after work. See you there ;)

I did remember what I did last night. I was still smiling about it. I texted Michael that I wasn't going to work because I needed a day off, and to also keep his mouth shut around the guys until we talk about everything later. I hit the shower and then went to watch some tv. 

All the while I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I thought about how to tell Luke. I felt bad if I'm being honest. I did still like Luke, but how would I let him down. I remembered that it was Wednesday, which meant Luke doesn't have to be at work until noon. I texted him to come over. Was that a mistake? Maybe. But it had to be done.

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