Chapter 12

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I put my phone down and decide to get up and shower. I didn't know if this was a date or not. I didn't want to let Luke down if it was a date, so I picked out a cute sweater, some ripped black jeans, and a pair of red low-top converse. I put those aside and hit play on my music. Dancing along to the music, I hopped into the warmth of the water.

Halfway through my shower, I heard my phone start to ring. When I looked, Calum had sent me a facetime request. Why would he call now, he is never up by now.

"How may I help thee?" I say stepping out of the shower and turning my camera off.

"Oh I'm so sorry where you in the shower?" he asked apologetically.

"Yeah, but it's okay I can just put in some leave-in-conditioner and I'll be fine," I say struggling to put on my jeans, "So what can I help you with cal pal?"

"I had an idea for an album cover," He said looking at some papers on his desk.

"Oh really? You decided to do my job for me, well show me what you got," I say turning my camera on. He showed me 2 designs, both really good, then we talked about more ideas for the cover. After a while, he hung up and I finished getting ready for Luke.

I sat on the couch and waited, I had about 20 minutes until he came to pick me up. I was really excited to see where he was going to take me. I do hope it's nowhere too fancy, I don't want Luke to think he has to win me over with all this fancy stuff. I remembered I had to grab my purse so I got up, grabbed a small book, and shoved it into my bag. I went over to the kitchen and sat at one of my barstools.

I heard a knock on the door and got up excitedly. I walked over to the door, paused a second to take a breath, and opened the door. There was Luke, wearing a Green Day shirt, black ripped jeans, and black high-top converse.

"Hey!" He said standing up straighter, "Reay to go?"

"Yeah, so where are we headed?" I asked nudging him as we walked down the hall.

"That's a surprise, so you'll just have to wait," he said opening the door for me.

As we walked over to his car, I saw him fumble with his keys and wipe his hands on his pants. Oh god, maybe this is a date. He never gets this nervous around me at work or when we hang out together. As I sat down in his car, I pulled my phone out and grabbed the AUX cord before he could.

"Oh god, you better play something good. Normally the driver gets to choose the music," He said with some sass in his voice.

"Calm down, I was just going to play one song then the cord is all yours."

"I was joking, you can keep it, as long as you play some Queen I think I'll be fine," He said laughing a bit.

I played Bohemian Rhapsody, Fat Bottom Girls, and Another One Bites the Dust, before switching it over to All Time Low. As we jammed out I saw a small little coffee house on the side of the road. It was in a cottage house and had mushrooms and flowers planted outside the windows.

"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful!" I say gasping.

"I knew you would like it, even though it's in the middle of nowhere. My mum brought me here once and I thought it had the best coffee ever."

"Well, I guess I'll have to find out then."


I got out of the car and rushed over to Ava's side to open her door for her. She giggled then thanked me. I rushed over to the door and opened it again for her. I hope I don't seem too eager. We walked over to the counter and took a look at the menu. I knew right away what I wanted, but didn't want to rush Sophie, so I waited patiently.

"I'm ready, you ready?" she asked me.

"Yep!" I say walking to the barista.

Sophie ordered a spiced coffee that came in a cute little mushroom cup, and I ordered a latte to go. Sophie really liked to make fun of me for ordering a latte because she says only soccer moms drink lattes. We went over to the gift shop and found some small toads that Sophie said she absolutely needed. I offered to pay for them but she denied it.

"Hey once we finish our drinks you want to go to the beach?" I asked.

"Sure, we aren't going to swim, are we? Because sweaters and water don't go together very well," she said pointing to her shirt.

"No, of course not!" I say getting a little anxious for some reason, "I just thought a walk would be nice."

"Yeah totally," she said getting up to give her cup back.

I looked at the table we were sitting at and saw she got a message. I didn't want to be snoopy but I wanted to at least know who texted her. I looked up and saw her talking with the barista and took my chance and glanced at her phone. Michael. Of course, it would be Michael. They've been spending a lot of time together and I don't like it one bit.


It is currently 5:35 am and I realized that I hadn't written in a while and saw a notification on Wattpad, so I just said "I don't need to sleep" and started to write. I'm starting to get an idea of what I want to do with this book but not totally sure. I think I'll write 1 more chapter tonight(probably won't publish it though)and maybe more tomorrow.

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