Chapter 16

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Michael and Luke seemed to have made up. I hope it stayed that way even after I make my choice. I decided to sneak around the studio to see what the guys had been working on. I usually do this when I finish early. Most nights the guys are in the studio longer than I usually work. 

I sat down in the hall with my knees to my chest. They were singing some new song where Calum had a solo. He must have written it. As I listened to the words flow through the sound booth, I started to cry. I don't know what came over me, probably all the stress, it was nice to let it all out. I must have been crying too loud because I heard the music stop.

"Holy shit, are you okay Ava?" Ashton said as the others followed close behind.

"Oh, yeah, um I'm fine," I said whipping my tears.

"You're clearly not," Luke said kneeling down to my level.

"I'm telling you guys I'll be fine," I stood up and tried to walk away, but Calum grabbed my hand.

"Come here," He said pulling me into a big bear hug. All the guys joined in making it a wig, warm group hug, which made me cry more.

After a while, we pulled apart and they let me leave. At that point, I just wanted to go home and eat a real meal other than a microwave lunch. I sat in my car before leaving to let myself calm down. I turned on some quiet music and drove away from that madness. On the drive home I stopped to pick up some groceries and a drink. While at the store I ran into Michael. Could this day not end.


After the little office fiasco, I decided to pick up a few things to get Ava as an apology. I had chosen a nice basket and was headed down the movie aisle. I chose The Princess Bride, a classic. Next up I hit the candy aisle. I grabbed her some Cadbury bars, tropical skittles, and some random gummies. I turned to go down the drink aisle I ran into her. Ava. What was she doing here? She said she was gonna go home.

"Ava?" I said nervously.

"Oh, um hey Michael," She said looking up.

"What are you doing here?" I said hiding the basket from her view.

"Shopping for some dinner. What are you up to?" She said leaning over to see behind me.

"Just shopping like you," I said pushing her back. "Listen I wanted to apologize for what I did the other night. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me, I guess I just thought that I liked you and you liked me back and that there might be something..." I said trailing off of my ramble.

"Well, I mean you're not wrong. I do like you, but I'm not sure I'm ready to date right now?" She said confused.

"Oh, yeah, that's totally fine. Just so you know you might want to tell that to Luke or else he will just keep nagging and nagging and nagging," I said making her laugh.

"Okay well, I'm gonna get going, I think I've got all that I need tonight. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye and good night," I said.

After we parted ways, I felt better. Clearing things up between us took a lot of pressure off of my shoulders. I went back to my shopping. I looked back to see Ava grab a pack of Monsters. After she left I ran to grab another pack for her gift. I then topped it off with some pancake mix. I went to check out and then head home.

Back at my place, I put together her present while listening to some music. After that was done I decided to write her a card. Even though it's super cheesy, it felt right. I did leave out a few things since I talked to her earlier and got some of that stuff off my chest. After all that was done, I grabbed my new pair of jeans and some scissors to help pass the time. 

After a while of ripping, there was a knock at my door. My mom came in to say goodnight. She then yelled at me for ripping the jeans my grandma gave me, I said I would never wear them without rips, and this way I'm putting them to use. She rolled her eyes and left. After I finished, I jumped into bed for the night, feeling worried about what was to come.


I am still mad I'm not done, I might make the last few chapters way longer just to finish this soon. I would say maybe 2 or 3 more chapters. No one is even reading this and that's fine but still, I WANT TO BE DONE TO WORK ON MY OTHER STORIES!!!!

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