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My eyes felt like they were glued shut.

It took enormous effort to lift my eyelids, letting me see the small room I was in. I was in the hospital wing of the third floor, that much I knew.
I guessed I was in some type of healing section, but I didn't know for sure as I had only been in the child birthing section.

Moving my head towards the left, I saw Ember sitting in a chair by my bed. She was asleep, and with a look out the window, I assumed it was around seven in the morning.
I wasn't surprised that she insisted on staying by my bed until I was fully healed, she had done it before and I had done it with her.

"Ember." I whispered. "Ember, wake up."
Instantly, her eyes shot open, letting me know she had only been in a light sleep.
"Oh thank God, Solstice you're awake!"
"Did you not expect me to wake up?" I asked. She shook her head a little. "No, we just couldn't help be worried."
I nodded, understanding. Then I squinted my eyes sleepily.
"What time is it?" I asked, turning to Ember. "Seven thirty in the morning. Everyone else is probably asleep except for Gage. He wanted to stay in here with you too, but I told him that it would be weird." I smiled, imagining Gage and Ember arguing at a ridiculous hour in the night over who got to sleep in the chair next to my bed.

"I take it you won, huh?"
She shrugged. "After Tori almost slapped both of us, he backed off."
I sighed. My friends were absolutely crazy faithful. Moving my sheets aside, I attempted to sit up. My leg, I noticed, was wrapped in bandages and so was my side. They were both were very sore and I winced as I pushed myself up against the back of the bed.
Ember frowned at me. "You alright?" I nodded. "The doctor said that you need a few days in bed until fully recovered. Of course I told him that would go heck to the hand basket, but he didn't argue with me."
I gave her a 'really?' look. "How long exactly in bed?" She shrugged. "Five or six days." I groaned loudly and dropped my head into my hands.
"I'm so not staying six days in a bed, we leave for California in five!"
"See, that's what's I told the doctor!"

I gingerly moved my bandaged leg and realized it wasn't that hard to bend it. But putting weight on it would be a different thing.
"Here, Ember help me get up." She quickly stood up. "No no, I know six days is too much, but you've only been asleep for like, ten hours after your leg almost got ripped off!"
I shot her a look. She gave me one back. Unfortunately, Ember had mastered her sass look and I hadn't yet.
"Oh come on Ember!" I pleaded with her. "I'm starving! I need food!" "Then I'll get it for you!" She argued back with me.
"Fine, I'm getting up with or without your help. You minus well help me. That or prepare my eulogy." I swung my legs over the side of my bed slowly and looked up at her.
She sighed and pulled my right arm over her shoulder. Taking my waist in her other hand, she helped me stand.

My leg gave out almost immediately, but Ember was there to catch me.
"Thanks." I said through gritted teeth. "Does it hurt?" She asked. "No, not really." It was a small lie, but I didn't want her to make me stay in bed.
When I tried again, I was able to put at least some weight in my injured leg. We made it over to the door slowly and Ember creaked it open.
Just as I was about to hobble out, Acton walked past. My heart sunk as he did a major double take at Ember practically holding me upright.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" He yelled at me using his Alpha voice, making me shrinking back into Ember. He rarely used his Alpha voice.
"Um....downstairs?" I said, but it came out more like a question.
Acton shook his head. "No. Go back to bed and rest." He pointed behind me into the room where I had stayed.
I sighed deeply. "But Alpha, I've already rested, my leg feels fine and so does my side."
He paused, looking at me as if to find out if I was telling the truth or not.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Your leg doesn't look fine, if it was then you would walking on your own."
Dammit. He called my bluff.

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