New Beginnings

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*Three weeks later*

I slowly walked into the living room, wearing a pink racerback tank top and white shorts.
Titan, Val and I had stayed in the Silver Oak pack house for now, but we were leaving again in a few days. Titan had insisted on me staying here with Ember, saying how I needed time with her to recover. And he had been right in a sense. Ember and I were helping each other get through the vivid memories and occasional nightmares that resulted from the past encounter with the Phalanx Pack.

In the living room, Tori was sitting in an armchair having her breakfast. She smiled at me with a mouthful of eggs. I smiled back and stole some off her plate. Colt was picking tunelessly at his guitar with his legs stretched out lazily on the couch.
I was about to ask where Ember was when she walked in with Ebony and Abigail. She had Ebony in her arms while Abby was crawling slowly behind her. Tori smiled at her girls and they laughed when they saw her and Colt.
"How are my babies?" Tori cooed, kneeling down to kiss them.
Ember set Ebony down next to her sister and kissed the top of her head as well. She looked up and saw me smiling at them.

"They're adorable, aren't they?" She asked. I nodded in response.
"I was feeding them for Tori, they grow up so fast. Abby's already crawling."
I smiled. "Well, they are werewolves. Soon they'll be shifting."
"Not that soon hopefully. Maybe they'll be a little late. Like you." Ember nudged my side and I shot her a playful glare.

I looked down when I felt a small hand on my ankle. It was Ebony, smiling up at me with her bright blue eyes. I smiled at her and knelt down to her level.
"Hello Ebony, how are you sweetie?" She just giggled and sat down next to my leg. Once I sat down next to her, she got up and climbed into my lap, giggly some more. I gladly let her sit with me, fixing her cute yellow sun dress Tori had put on her.
"Do you wanna go see Gage?" I asked her. She opened her mouth in a smile and nodded, laughing once more. I picked her up and with a nod from Colt, went to go find Gage.
With no surprise, I found him in the kitchen, talking to Aileen who was sitting in the counter. Aileen waved at Ebony and gave her a smile. Gage turned and saw the baby reaching out for him with her small hands and put down his bagel.
Ebony laughed as Gage swung her out of my arms, into the air, and into his arms safely. I rolled my eyes.
"Be careful with her Gage, she's only a month old."

"Nah, she loves me." He replied. "Don't you Ebony, yes you do!"
I rolled my eyes again as he started tickling Ebony, making her laugh loudly.
I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a cheese stick and started eating it. Then I grabbed part of Gage's bagel when he wasn't looking and went to sit next to Aileen. I jumped on the counter next to her and pushed a piece of cheese into my mouth.
Aileen laughed softly. "You seem to be alright." She observed. I shrugged and ate some more cheese. "I guess so, things have been getting better. I haven't had a nightmare in three days though."
Aileen raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Good, that's good. What about Ember?"
"It's hard to tell. I think she had one last night but I'm not sure. She seems tired today, and that's the only reason I can think of why. Usually she 's married to her sleep."
Aileen laughed again and leant back on her hands.
"Why don't you ask her?"
"I don't know. I think she doesn't want me to know."
"I understand. But I'm glad to see you're alright."
I reached over and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Aileen. It means a lot."

In the other room, I could hear Tori and Colt softly singing to Abby along with Colt's guitar.
Abby was silent, probably listing intently to her parent's beautiful voices. I smiled when I heard it.
They were lucky to have parents like they did. In a way they made me miss mine a little. But it was hard to miss someone you never knew.
"Good morning Solstice."
I jumped and turned at the voice that was right behind me.
"Good morning Titan. Do you always have to scare me like that?"
Titan smiled and kissed my cheek.
"It never gets old."
"I'm sure it doesn't."


"Okay, so since when could Colt of all people beat me in Call of Duty?"
Gage shouted at us in the living room, raising his controller above his head in frustration. I laughed along with Aileen.
"Gage, Colt always beat you, even in Mario Kart." I said in between my laughter. Gage looked offended.
"He could not! He beat me one time and that was because I broke my controller during Rainbow Road!"
Aileen and I began laughing again, this time Titan joined in with us.
Colt just smiled smugly at his friend and patted him on the head.
"Game over dude. Better luck next time."
Gage sighed and finally started laughing with us when we couldn't stop. Then Titan and Val were up for the next round.

This went on until well after lunch time, even Ember and I had a go at it. Aileen refused to try though, she wanted to laugh at us.
Until finally we got tired of it and decided to go run around outside some. Val and Aileen screamed and raced each other to be front door and were out of it in an instant.
Apparently their wolves needed to burn some energy. Gage and Ember followed them quickly, shifting almost before they were outside. But Colt went to help Tori feed the twins lunch, and that left me and Titan by ourselves.
My mate put his arm around my shoulder and drew me close to him. "How are you?" He asked. I looked up at him and saw that he was actually very concerned. But I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, how about you?" "Just the same."
We walked outside together and watched as Gage, Aileen, Ember and Val ran around chasing each other in the grass. Aileen's wolf was the smallest so she could dodge the others more easily, giving her a slight advantage.
Titan started laughing loudly once Val slipped and fell on his side trying to get to her. Val's wolf stood up and shot Titan and glare, making Titan clear his throat and pull himself together.

Titan and I sat in the grass, enjoying the warm and breezy Florida weather. I sighed and leant against him, realizing that I loved him. I loved him very, very much.
"Titan?" I whispered. He looked at me.
"I love you." I saw him smile.
"I love you too baby."
He softly kissed my forehead and I went back to watching Aileen and Gage play keep-away from Val and Ember, using a stick.

These were my friends.
This was my family.
Everything was wonderful.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry this one was so short, but as you saw at the top of the page, it was only a mini-chapter.
I decided to put it in here at the last minute because I wanted to write about Ebony and Abigail some :)
Plus, I wanted to show how much Ember and Solstice were recovering from the very obviously hard and slightly shocking experience they just had.

But anyway, next chapter is going to be the last chapter!
But it's going to be happy!
(Solstice and Titan get married!)
Sorry if I spoiled it. But now you can look forwards to all the cuteness coming.

Please vote, comment and smile or positive feedback and make sure to follow me!!


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