Rouges, Rouges!

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It was two hours after the meeting that Acton had held, and I was in Ember's room with her and Tori.
Tori was seated in Ember's office chair, spinning it around a flipping through a magazine. Ember was redoing her makeup in her huge wardrobe mirrors, and I was laying upside down off her bed, the way I always do.

"It sucks that I can't go with you guys." Tori mumbled from across the room.
Ember scoffed at her, her mouth open from doing mascara.
"You know Tori, at least you found your mate in a pleasant way. You didn't have to be shipped off to across the country to participate in some event."
"You aren't getting shipped off." Tori comforted her. "And I've always wanted to go to L.A."

I leaned up from my upside down position on Ember's bed to stare at Tori.
"Tori, have you though that maybe we don't want a mate yet?"
There was a silence of her thinking.

"Why wouldn't you want him?" She asked in a whisper. "I mean, with everything Kylie says, I though you would've been happy to hear that you would going somewhere where you could find him."
I nodded. "That's the thing. But I'm not worried about what Kylie says." I heard Ember mutter "Fuck her" but I kept going.
"It's just, did you hear the packs that are going to take part in the event? The two largest and most powerful packs in America are going to be there."
One of them Ember and I ran into yesterday, but I didn't say anything about that.

Tori looked at me with understanding. "I know, it's going to be scary and probably a little weird too. But you and Ember are going to be together, and Gage."
I groaned and flopped down on Ember's bed again.
"I'm really considering running away for three weeks then coming back when all this is over."
Ember laughed. "Yeah, good luck. With Acton's wrath, you would be too scared to even leave." She was right, I wouldn't leave. I would just wish and wish for this thing to never happen, but that was pointless.

Ember finished the final touches on her makeup and moved to sit next to me on her bed.
"So," she started. "You guys have heard of the Blood Arrow pack, right?" Tori and I nodded.
"They are the ones that the Alpha kills all rouges himself. And he kills all of them. Like, no interrogation or anything." Tori told us. "It's a little morbid." "Or just ruthless." I added. She nodded. "That too."
"Yes, them." Ember said. "They have quite the reputation for being unwelcoming towards rouges. Anyway, you know their Alpha?"

Tori had a blank look on, so I filled her in. "Alpha Titan." I whispered, and her eyes widened and she nodded.
Ember nodded back, then continued.
"I heard that a group of rouge vampires-" "Wait." I interrupted, earning an exasperated look from Ember. "Vampires? I thought they were extinct." Ember wrinkled her nose at me and raised an eyebrow. "No? Okay then. Continue." "Anyway, they got into his territory and instead of killing them, he first ripped their leader's fangs out and then killed him by keeping him in the sun."
There was a silence.

Then Tori said "That's a lie."
"It's not." Ember said. "If you ever see him, he wears one of the fangs around his neck, but only one of them for some reason."
"What did he do with the other one?" I asked. Ember shrugged. "No clue."
Tori laughed. "You should ask him if you see him there."
"No!" I said. "If he even is there, I'm staying away from him. Alpha Jago too."
Ember sucked in a breath. "Oh yeah. Might want to do that." We looked at each other sideways. I really hoped that Jago's Beta wasn't going to be there and recognize Ember and I. That would be bad.

Tori seemed to pick up on our glances to each other, and she was about to say something when Ember's doors flew open.
It was Gage, standing in her doorway with a slightly panicked look on. I stood up from the bed.
"What's wrong?" I asked. His eyes flicked to me and he said "Kylie's looking for me. I need to hide."
The three of us ushered him inside the room and shut the door.
Soon enough, we heard the clicking of heels on the hard wood floor right outside. Gage's eyes widened and he ran to the bathroom, locking himself in. I smiled.

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