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"Attention, all members of the Silver Oak Pack."

Tori and I stopped making our lunches and Gage paused in his arguing with Colt as Acton's voice rang through our heads.
It was four days after Ember and I had been put on our so-called 'house arrest' for trespassing in Jago's territory. We usually ran outside multiple times a day and we were driving everyone insane.

"Tomorrow night, the jet to California leaves at ten thirty pm. All unmated members must be there on time. If there are any questions, you may ask me, or my Beta."

Acton's voice cut off and Gage instantly started shouting at Colt again.
"Dude, American cheese is so much better then pepper jack cheese!"
Colt looked offended.
"Excuse me? Just because you have a poor choice in dairy products-"

I cut them both off with an annoyed "Guys, shut up!"
They looked at me as if they hadn't realized Tori and I were both standing there.
"Pepper jack cheese is better." I told Gage and he gasped loudly and dramatically.

Tori laughed and shot me a look that said "Thanks for helping." I smiled at her and bit into my sandwich.
"So, how are you doing with your grounding?" Tori asked, leaning against the counter.
I shrugged. "I'm pretty sure everyone spending enough time with Ember and I want to throw us out the window. We have too much energy to have to stay in the house for five days."
Tori laughed. "That's true. But at least you leave for L.A tomorrow."

I sighed, not answering right away.
"I don't know if that's a good thing."
"Look Sole, everything is going to be fine. I can call you every night if it helps."
I turned to her and smiled.
"Thanks, but I think it'll be too busy. I'll call you if I have the chance though."
Tori nodded and took a sip of her water. "Yeah, well when you're getting marvelously tan, I'm gonna be stuck here going to school."
I smirked and took another bite of my sandwich. "You win some you lose some."

Just then, a wiz of blue hair slid into the kitchen on her socks, crashing into a bar stool.
"Ow...shit." Ember muttered, doubling over to hold her stomach. "I thought I could make that."
Gage started laughing at her, and she swiftly kicked him in the shins, making him stop.

I smiled at them and raised an eyebrow at Ember.
"You okay?"
"Besides the fact that we still can't go outside and our plane leaves tomorrow for almost three weeks and I still haven't packed?" She shrugged.
"Yeah, I'm great."

Tori rolled her eyes.
"You still haven't packed?"
Both Ember and I shook our heads no.
"You should go do that now, before you forget something important. Like your sanity."
I scoffed. "Tori, my sanity moved out a long time ago."
She ignored me and pushed me towards the stairs. "Go pack. You too Ember!"

"Alright mother, calm down." Ember said, wrinkling her nose at Tori. "Can we just like, not pack and hope that this gets canceled last minute?"
I stopped halfway up the staircase and peered down at her.
"What are the odds Ember?" I asked her. She shrugged. "You mean what I think the odds are, or what the odds probably are?"
I laughed and shook my head.
"Come on Ember. Let's go pack."


Three pair of jeans, eight pairs of shorts, ten shirts, two sweatshirts, one bathing suit and many other articles of clothing and toiletries later, I finally zipped my suitcase up.
It had taken me the better part of an hour to get everything packed and sorted. Packing was never my thing. I rarely went on vacation, who would take me? I certainly didn't have enough money myself.

I placed my grey and yellow suitcase by my bed and brushed my hair out of my face.
A knock sounded on my door when I was crossing over to my wardrobe.
"Come in!" I yelled, reaching for a shelf that held a small backpack.
The door opened and Ember walked in.
"You seem to be having trouble." She observed with a smile.
"Shut up, I'm vertically challenged."
I finally pulled the backpack down and turned to look at my friend.
"Are you done packing?" I questioned.
She laughed and shook her head.
"No, I haven't even started."
"What? It's been almost an hour! What have you been doing?"
Ember never ceased to amaze me at how much she could put something off.

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