Welcoming the new one

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"Push! You can do it Luna!"
The Luna of our pack-Iona- gave out a small scream of pain as another contraction hit her.
There was a wolf pup in her, but he wasn't expected to live. He was turned upside down and had his umbilical cord wrapped around his throat.

I put my hands on Luna Iona's bare stomach and started to gently knead the baby in the right direction. She screamed again, and the child gave way slightly.
I smiled. "Come on Luna! He's going to make it!" I told her. "Come on, just a little more!"

Another nurse came to my side to help me right the baby around.
"I'll take over here." The nurse told me. "You go get the Alpha!"
I nodded and turned away from the Luna. Opening the door, I ran out into the dark, quite hallway.
The whole fourth flour was for our Alpha, Luna and their children, but we were on the third flour, where the hospital wing located.
However, there were no other pack members in sight, as it was around two in the morning.

Quickly, I sprinted through the dark hallway, past the huge library and spare rooms, past the second hospital and past rooms of medications. My bare feet tapped lightly on the cold, hard wood as I shot through the pack house, and found the stairs leading to the fourth floor.
I was a werewolf and I didn't tire easily. But I was slightly out of breath when I reached the Alpha and Luna's room, where only Alpha Joseph was now.

Barely skidding to a stop before slamming into the door, I knocked hurriedly on the wood.
"Alpha!" I cried. "Alpha, your Luna is-" the door was thrown open by a man of thirty or so years of age before I could finish.
He still had black hair with no specks of white and a small beard.
His face showed excitement and worry, eager to see his wife.
"Lead the way Solstice!" He said hurriedly. I nodded, then turned to retrace my steps through the fourth floor and down the stairs to the third.

I never looked back to see if the Alpha was following, he could run much faster than me and was probably cursing my short legs for not being able to go faster.
As we neared the hospital wing where Iona was, we could hear her going into labor.

Alpha Joseph ran in, and to Iona's bedside.
"Joseph..." She whispered, tears running down her face. "He's not going to make it." Joseph's face paled, as he realize the huge possibility.
He turned to me. "Can you do anything?" He asked, practically begging. "Please Solstice."

I nodded. "We will do all we can, Alpha. Just hang in there."
I turned away and began to work quickly, the baby only had a few minutes.
The nurses and I pressed the Luna's stomach, persuading the baby to move around right.
"He's suffocating." The nurse from before said at my side. "We need to remove his umbilical cord, quickly."
I nodded. "Come on Luna!" I encouraged. "Push, he's going to make it."
She held Joseph's hand and went into another contraction.

Soon, the child's head was visible, and my heart leapt.
"We have him." I said to the nurses around me.
Gently, I reached around the baby's neck and pulled his umbilical cord off from around it, and his chest visibly rose and fell, takin his first breath in the world.

I smiled widely. "He's good, Luna!" She sighed and began to cry uncontrollably.
The rest of the child's body quickly followed, and I caught him, underweight and crying.
He reached out for his mother, and I cut his cord and handed him to Iona.

He stopped crying long enough to feed from her breasts, and the three of them smiled, as a family.
Joseph turned to me.
"Thank you Solstice." He said, really meaning it. "We owe you so much!"
Iona nodded through her tears. "Thank you." She whispered.

I nodded. "Anything for you Alpha, Luna."
Joseph laid a hand on my shoulder.
"Go to sleep, get some rest." He commanded me.
I nodded and turned to change out of my scrubs.


Once in my room on the second floor, I threw my scrubs into my laundry basket, where a few other clothes were.
Pushing the home button on my phone, I saw it was 2:47 am.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. There was school tomorrow too. Dammit.

Quickly, I pulled my hair down from it's ponytail and changed into a shirt and some shorts. I jumped into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin.
Reaching over to my bedside table, I switched the light off.

Instantly, I was asleep.


A/N: Alright! First actual chapter!
I know it has close to nothing to do with the plot, but its important.
Next chapter will be more on Solstice's friends and regular life.
With a twist ;)

Oh, and I don't know if you picked up or not, but I actually have no clue how child birthing goes, or how to save a suffocating newborn.
Please no comments telling me how wrong I wrote something.
(Because I already know)

Anyway, leave a vote or a kind comment with a smile!


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