Surprises & Unmated members

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I shifted in my seat, trying to move my bad leg so it wouldn't get sore. It had healed pretty quickly, but sitting in the same position for hours wasn't helping it.
Besides me, Gage shifted in his sleep and I looked over at him. His eyes were tightly shut and his dark hair was falling into his face. I gently brushed it away from his eyes.

I had already taken a small nap, but I had realized quickly that sleeping on planes wasn't my thing. But that was fine, I wasn't tired in the slightest.

Ember, to my right was trying to restrain herself from kicking the back of Kylie's chair as she was painting her nails a hot pink color.
I looked at her sideways, seeing her game plan.
"Please don't." I said softly, trying not to wake up Gage.
"You know she's going to throw the nail polish all over us if you do."
Ember paused and frowned. Then she rolled her eyes and muttered a curse at Kylie, who turned around quickly.
"Did you say something?" She said in a high pitched voice, raising her eyebrow expectantly. Ember nodded and smiled. "Just how beautiful your nails are."
She flashed Kylie a smile that bordered on sarcastic, but it was faint. Kylie pushed her lips and turned back around once she realized Gage was asleep.

I bent down to retrieve my phone from my backpack at my feet, but the plane jolted, making me gasp in fear.
"What the hell was that?"
I asked Ember, panicking.
"Watch, this whole plane is going to hit another plane and then we are going to fall in the water like Gage said, and everyone is going to die because hitting water at ten thousand feet is like hitting concrete."
I told Ember, who just smiled at me. "It's just a little turbulence, Sole. And we aren't even over water."
I relaxed slightly, breathing normally again. "Oh."
"Do you want to watch Supernatural with me?" She asked, flipping through her shows on the T.V above her. "Or...American Horror Story?"
I paused, debating quickly. "Hmm. Let's watch American Horror Story"
Ember smiled. "Even Peters is hot." She said flatly, clicking on the show. "I'm with you there, girl." I replied.

The two of us watched our show for about three and half hours until Gage woke up and saw us.
"How long have I been asleep?" He asked groggily, sitting up and brushing his hair down with his hand. I shrugged. "About four hours? It's around seven in the morning." He blinked. "Oh. How long have you been watching that show?" I shrugged again. "About three and a half hours." He didn't look surprised. Then Ember looked away from the T.V, saying simply "I'm hungry. What about you guys?"
Gage smiled immediately.
"I want some food too. Let's go get some."
I shook my head. "I don't want to get up. Can you bring some for me too?" "Only because you never woke me up with some nasty prank you and Ember decided to pull." Gage said, stepping around my chair and following Ember through the isle.

As they left, my phone starting ringing, playing Fall Out Boy. In front of me, Kylie audibly sighed, annoyed. I ignored her and picked up my phone.
A small smile spread across my face when I saw it was Tori. Then my happiness crept towards confusion. Would she call me at seven in the morning just to say she missed us? She saw us last night.
I shrugged to myself and answered it.

"Yeah, what's up?"
On the other end, I could practically hear her smile.
"Hey, Solstice! How's everything?"
"It's good, I haven't gotten sick yet. So that's a plus. We're going to land in a few hours though, so I'll try keep my streak."
"Good, that's good." She said.
"You sound really happy." I observed, smiling. "Is it that much better without us?"
"Oh, no." She said quickly. "I'm actually calling to tell you something."
I paused. "To tell me something?"
"Yeah. There's something I want to tell you. Is Ember and Gage there too?"
"Well, they're getting food. Oh, here they are." They were walking back to me with the food, which Ember put on my lap.
"It's Tori." I whispered to them, and they smiled.
"They're right here. Do want to be put on speaker?"
"No, it's okay. I just want you guys to know."
"Okay, I can tell them. What is it?"

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