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"Come on, you have to guess!"
"Oh that's not fair, please?"
"Nope. Guess."

Titan sighed and looked sideways at me. I smiled and blushed, turning away.
"That's not fair, you already know my name." He protested. I turned back to him. "And your going to have to guess mine."

We were walking slowly together through the forest, moving back the way I had come by myself, running from Jago. The trees were starting to thin out, and every once in a while we passed a source of water.
Titan and I had been talking for a very long time now, and I think it's fair to say that I'm already in love with him. It's slightly odd for me, I've never had a serious boyfriend, or even a first kiss. I've certainly never had slept with someone. I wondered if he had, but I guess it didn't matter.

"Just give me what letter it starts with." He asked. I contemplated his request, then said "It starts with an 'S'".
"S." He softly repeated to himself, thinking. He looked back at me, and I blushed again, making him laugh.
"You've blushed every single time I've looked over at you, you know that?" That only made me blush harder and I turned my head to look at the leaves we were walking over on the ground.

He moved to stand in front of me, making me stop.
"We only have one day with each other, I should know my mates name by then." He was right, we did have limited time in each other's company before we had to leave.
"Solstice." I whispered, looking him in his dark eyes. "It's Solstice, but a lot of people just call me Sole." He was silent for a while, looking at me.
"Solstice." He repeated, and I realized nobody had ever spoken my name like that to me. It seemed to roll off his tongue perfectly.
"Titan." I said back to him in the same voice, and if I wasn't mistaken, his eyes went a little darker then usual. That sped my heart rate up.

"Is it true that you've killed a vampire?" I asked him suddenly. He frowned on confusion. "Where have you heard that?" I shrugged. "You are the most powerful Alpha in America. Everyone knows about you, word gets out."
He smiled, showing his canines. "Yes I am the most powerful Alpha in America." He said smugly. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I answered your question, you answer mine."

"Alright, I'll tell you the story." Titan said, taking my hand and sitting down up against a giant oak tree. I sat down next to him, my smaller legs pressing up against his larger ones. The hand he had touched felt warm and I didn't let go of him. He smiled again, proudly.
"Yes it's true that I've killed a vampire." He told me, rolling his head to look at me. His dark eyes, messy dark hair, and tanned skin had quite an effect on me, and I shifted by his leg.
As if to prove it to me, he reached around his neck by his throat, and pulled out a thin brown rope. On the rope was a fang.
I frowned and watched as he let it drop against his shirt.
"That was his left fang." Titan told me. "Funnily enough, after I killed him, I've had absolutely no vampires in my territory since then."
I smiled at him, liking his sense of humor.

"I always thought vampires were extinct." I told him. He looked down at me as if he was surprised. "Extinct? No, just very scarce. They like the dark, obviously, so they tend to stay in caves and they only come out at night."
"Did these vampires trespass at night then?" He nodded.
"My Beta, Valadamar, was the first to see them. He almost got bitten, but he was able to get out before anything happened. He sounded the alarm, waking me up, and our pack was at war for a while."
I grimaced. "That sounds terrible." Titan shrugged, squeezing my hand. "None of us died, that's all I care about. Now tell me about you, I want to know."

So I did. I told him about my parents, my childhood and how I managed to somehow get through it. I told him about Ember, Gage, Tori and Colt. I even told him about Kylie, and he decided he didn't like her any more then I did.
I told him about my Alpha and Luna and how I delivered Iona's newest baby. He sat next to me, watching me talk, and sometimes his eyes wouldn't leave my face for quite a long time.

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