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It's been two weeks since Dave, the biker guy from the incident a few weeks back introduced me to the Glaciers, and I see why the king didn't send this mercenary group to the frontlines unlike Cour de Desordre, it's filled with a bunch of kids who avoided enrolling in a school, heck even the slightly higher ranks are full of kids that got rich parents that they could pay for a rank. Dave came from an opposing party to these kids, an underdog in favour of those who actually gain their ranks, he came from the outer ring of Yavva, he also had the title of Overseer, something similar to a Field Officer who foresees the security of a particular area and also had control over several cadets positioned in the area. He does have some fans coming from those who need to work their way to gain their ranks, this organisation is actually very fragile seeing how divided it was.

The divide gets clearer as you go higher, Dave introduced me to Glade Harliglejon, Daughter of Gladiolus Arion; the head of this whole organisation, he died a few years' prior in a duel with a masked vigilante. Naturally you would assume the father gave his daughter the legacy, though there is another leader, Glade's uncle who thought that she's 'Too young to make decisions' and 'Unfit to lead the organisation.' Yet I doubt that was the case.

Glade's uncle, Arwyn Arion is a lavish landowner, in fact the influx of these rich skanks joining the Glaciers were caused by his hunger for money. On the other hand, was Glade who recruited the poor but skilled people from outer rings, Dave was one of them.

For the past two weeks I had been following Dave around like a lost pup, that was until he said that Glade was finally in La Tulpe. For the past two weeks she had been on an escort mission to the neighbouring sovereign kingdom of Yogyakarta. We rendezvous at the Glacier's HQ located at the edge of La Tulpe, nearby the highway desert of Kirzhon, it was an old police office that was given as a prize to the organisation. 

The station itself was in poor condition. Glade was in control of these developing stations, as her uncle took control of the better equipped ones.

The surrounding area is a desert, known as the Highway Desert of Kirzon to locals, it is a result of desertion by local farmers, leaving their rice fields uncared, slowly turning the land to a desert. The lack of nutrients in combination with lack of trees and chemicals from past pesticides sprayed into the soil sped up the process of desertification, yet unlike the dune sea of Arabia, this desert is just a grainy sad grey sea scattered with abandoned buildings and a large four lane highway piercing the middle of the desert.

Also unlike the higher grounds of Yavva, this place received less rain and is slightly hotter than the rest of the region, sure rain would drive by sometimes but only up to a few minutes, the place is also known to be home to a particularly infamous highwayman and bandit group, going around riding Bactrian camels and wearing robes and face coverings.

We were sitting in front office when she arrived riding a white mare, she was a few centimetres shorter than me, had loosely tied short black hair. a pair of round glasses sat on her nose, her face was round and chubby, and complimentary to her somewhat cute appearance was her politeness, unlike many other Brits I've met in this land. Though contrasting her cute and feminine features, she dons the Glacier officer's uniform similar to Dave, notable by the difference between her outfit compared to the rest of the members, a sleek black button up suit with a half cape sitting at her left shoulder and hints of yellow here and there, on her right shoulder sits an officer's hat, she wore black linen trousers and heeled boots. A stylised fisherman's Keris with a straight blade hangs from her belt, these fisherman's keris are different from the usual flamberge bladed keris knives, the fisherman's knife has a straight blade and instead resembles more towards a short katana or an officer's blade.

"David Rizaq, how are things?"

"Good ma'am, though in your absence the bravery of each gangster faction seems to rose."

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