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Few minutes later, a waitress called to us and told us to follow her to the 'Fighter's Lounge', a separate room underground similar to the bar upstairs that has a hallway which leads to each side of the ring, compared to the upper floor, this place is a lot calmer, there is a subtle audio leak from the hallway that came from the floor above but if you're sitting quite far from the hallway entrance where the jazz music cancels out the loud electronic music. The lighting of the room is lighter compared to the upper floor, the walls are painted bronze-gold with decorative Romanesque pillars every few metres embedded into the wall, there are six elevated platforms which holds five small tables each, each tables had four chairs, these platforms were divided by a walkway around the rectangular room , on one end of the room was a half circle bar table with a guy and a simple robot configured to mix the drinks, behind the bar were a big bulletproof window which shows the ring. The ring itself looks very Romanesque, it's a round arena with sand floor, the walls were decorated with arches painted cream, the inner wall were painted light blue, on the wall itself were small circular windows that would allow other fighters to watch from the hallways if they so choose to, above the arena was a cross shaped walkway designed for the commentator so they have the best view of what's happening.

Levi and me picked a table on the middle section closer to the hallway entrance, not too far from the window but not too close either, we were told to wait until the others arrive, Levi again went to the bar to order another bottle, that man is a machine, but before he left I asked him to also get me an ashtray and a black coffee. A few minutes later the Samurai-guy arrived and sat on the table opposite of me, his friend, a small scrawny guy follows him, as soon as they sit they both stare at me intensely, there's even a hint of arrogance in their eyes, I swear if there were not that much people in this room I would very certainly punched their faces till it caved in. The kid looks like he's underfed, he does have quite redeeming facial features, sharp jawbone, his nose protrudes making his eyebrow higher than his eyes, giving him a somewhat sinister look, his hair is curly and messy, dude looked exactly like what the old books about vampires would describe them, a malnourished, pale, but handsome man, I wouldn't be surprised if sunlight hits him, his skin would glimmer. At first I just ignored their stares, Levi then came back from the bar, he noticed that me and these two wankers were having a staring contest.

"What the hell are you doing?" He looked at me confused, then at them and back at me, surprised, I snapped back into reality from the imagination of beating them to a pulp.

"That bastard started it." I scoffed, turning my back from them and facing towards the table, I could still feel that the two dickheads were still staring at me, so I decided to ignore them.

This goes on for about fifteen minutes, suddenly the Samurai guy stood up, then walked off his platform and crossed towards ours, I was chilling, leaning back on my chair while smoking, and having one leg up on my chair and the other at another chair, I noticed him approaching us then turned my head towards him.

"Any problems sir?" I asked with a slight mocking tone in my voice.

"Clout... hhh... chaser... hhh." His speech stutters like he's been running for a hundred kilometres without stopping, up close I could see through hi armours' eye holes that he's sweating like hell.


"You only joined the military so you could be famous, wouldn't it?" This time it was the scrawny kid speaking.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean you even brought this guy along, the famous poet Lee Victor, it is a case of clout chasing right? Oh I've also seen how you fought, it is very amateur." He said in a very arrogant tone, the audacity this kid has.

"You want to see it first-hand do you, twat?" I stood up and walked closer to the skinny kid, his head is on a level with my neck.

"Gwyn, come on man it's not worth it." Levi said as he patted my shoulder, the kid looked at him, then back at me, I unclenched my fist and let out a sigh, then turned my back as we walked towards our table.

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